Alot of people have been asking about the wheels, I'm not holding them any longer, first person with the money gets them, I want them out of the way.
RSLimited Limix 17's, with tires, lugs, hub spacers, they need new center caps, which are on back order right now, waiting for them to come in don't know how soon it will be. They are in very good condition (other the the center caps) but they are no perfect, no used wheels are perfect, I think Ken bought htem new, then they went to me, now I'm getting rid of them, total of a like maybe 5000 miles on them. First $500 cash gets em
um ok
caviefreak: Ya know what I like about winter. Ya can get a bunch of beer out of the fridge and put it in the window sill so ya dont have to make as many trips out to the fridge
what um ok, you tel me your buying them, you tell other people your buying them, and everytime its brought up you bitch about the price, I'm sick of the crap you either want them or you don't I'm not gonna sit here and store them waiting for you to buy it when your just gonna complain about the price, you either want them or you don't its that simple, I've told multiple people that no they can't have them cause I'm holding them.
sell them do as u please
caviefreak: Ya know what I like about winter. Ya can get a bunch of beer out of the fridge and put it in the window sill so ya dont have to make as many trips out to the fridge
You can get those wheels for $600 bucks new at
But your deal doesnt seem bad either!
Cheesecake wrote:sell them do as u please
everythign I just posted I told you liek aweek or so ago, then again this mourning back to complaining about the price, if you want them there yours but I'm sick of the @!#$, its nothign against you no hard feels are anythigns but its about money which right now I do not have
Destiny Harley wrote:You can get those wheels for $600 bucks new at
But your deal doesnt seem bad either!
problem with things lie that is yeah its nice and cheap, till you pay shipping, like fiberglass front bumper is about the same price for shipping as it is for the part hahah
as i stated befor im waiting for my tax check but if u need the money then sell them its up to u i dont care anymore
caviefreak: Ya know what I like about winter. Ya can get a bunch of beer out of the fridge and put it in the window sill so ya dont have to make as many trips out to the fridge
problem with things lie that is yeah its nice and cheap, till you pay shipping, like fiberglass front bumper is about the same price for shipping as it is for the part hahah does not charge for shipping check out the site!!
if your waiting for your check thats fine but i tired of having to argue about the price once a week
sell them i dont care im usually joking about the price but sell them so u can get your money sooner
caviefreak: Ya know what I like about winter. Ya can get a bunch of beer out of the fridge and put it in the window sill so ya dont have to make as many trips out to the fridge
I'm not gonna be the one to break to deal, I told you hold them for you till you got your tax return and you'd buy it all for $500, I agreed to that you agreed to that, if your still agreeing fine then I will continue to hold them but joking or not I'm done debating the price, its up to you
sell them cause thats what your intent to do
caviefreak: Ya know what I like about winter. Ya can get a bunch of beer out of the fridge and put it in the window sill so ya dont have to make as many trips out to the fridge
somethign just came up, need to sell ASAP, anyone buys now I will sell for cheaper
I might be you get tires and rims with it or just the rims? How much do you want for them now?
oh yeah..and email me at
![](/global/images/emoticons/ac.gif) last thing...i didnt read well enough and know that the wheels come with the how good of condition are the tires? me at
e-mail sent, I need money ASAP I found a deal on somethign that want to grab ASAP
so whats the deal are they sold
I thought you didn't care anymore? liek I said before I will honer the deal we agreed upon.... I'm only selling the wheels for a cheaper price if they sell now
and by the way not sold yet, bigest problem is hes form Iowa, geting them there is the problem
i dont care if u sold them im just wondering cause there might be a chance i get my check soon