Ok well I posted in the off-topic but I should have posted here first i guess. Well got a ticket today my first one. They got me 20 over 55 in a 35. Well I dont want it on my record or anything I live in Missouri so can anyone tell me what i should do. A buddy of mine said to get a lawyer tell them i need it taken off and see what they can do. The ticket is 125 so i mean it sounds like its not to much compared to others. Need some help <br>
2nd place is the 1st loser
I would first talk to the prosecutor (spelling?) to see if they will amend the ticket to a non-moving violation, If they will, then basically they'll double the fine and have you pled guilty to a parking ticket. If they will not amend the ticket then you'll have to talk to a lawyer and have them try to get the ticket amended (which 99.9% of the time they will be able to, unless you've have alot of tickets or other violations) However even with the lawyer you'll still have have to pay more (prob double the fine) plus the lawyers fees. So you lookin at prob about 250-350 depending on the prosecutor and or the lawyers fee to make that ticket go away.... Bum deal
Skinny J <br>
Tara, I will love and miss you forever, you will never be forgotten
o lesson learned i knew i could not run forever lol I mean no big deal ya know got to have some fun in the cavy! <br>
2nd place is the 1st loser
lol that sucks big time! No i am goin to slow it down some and let all the others get tickets from now on lol I am going to talk to a police officer I know and see what he think I think you can go to a class one night and save lots of $$
2nd place is the 1st loser
Just go to court, plead guilty, pay the ticket and ask for court supervision.... It will be off your record as long as you don't get another ticket withing 90 days. I have gotten about 7 different tickets, and haven't had one go on my record yet. Just plead guilty and pay up. <br>
ok so do I need to go to court to ask for the court supervision or what <br>
2nd place is the 1st loser
it should say right on the ticket what you are suposed to do
court supervision is usually automatic if it's your first ticket, as long as you sign up for traffic school and pay a little extra...just go to the court house in the jurisdiction you got the ticket and go to the court clerk, you can pay everything right there instead of mailing it <br>
I thought there was the speed class for it something like
S.T.A.R for 20mph +
S.T.O.P for 19mph -
If you can I would take the class. its like $100 and that also voids the cost of the ticket i thought. <br>
Ight well I think I am going to call the lawyers today just to see what they say and also a friend of mine he is on the force to and is a upper ranking so I am going to see what he says <br>
2nd place is the 1st loser
well talked dad the state tooper he said i need to call down to the place on the back of my ticket and see if they have a infraction program or something like that and that will take care of everything i still have to pay for the ticket and it might add some to it but no big deal. If they dont I need to ask them if they can admend it down to a non-moving violation. <br>
2nd place is the 1st loser
Never heard of court supervision in the state of MO. As far as I know, if you don't get it taken care of by your lawyer, it is on your record as a moving violation. Anyways, even if you get it "taken care of", the insurance company can still see your tickets if they dig enough.
ok well good news! lol Got a lawyer for 100$ what he is going to do is go to court with me or for me idk But he said he will get it down to a non moving speeding violation which how can it be non moving but yet speeding lol but he said it will be like 37mph instead of 55mph which is only 2 mph over the speed limit. It will still be on my record i think but no points are on there so when the insurence sees it will have no points and it will be hard for them to find if they do check. I asked someone if they do make it 37mph if that will lower my ticket down cuzz if they do it only be 50$ but he said they proly double it so 100$ still 200$ total not bad at all due to the fact that people said that they got like 300$ tickets. <br>
2nd place is the 1st loser
man missouri must be a harsh state, i've never been caught speeding there
i've also heard wisconsin is pretty harsh too, but never got stopped there either
only IL and IN yay!!!....Indiana's the most leniant state i've been stopped in <br>
ya indiana is easy as crap from what my dad tells me <br>
2nd place is the 1st loser
Hey man your name is trevOr and mine is trevEr, and we are both about the same age. But i got my first 3 tickets 9 days after i got my license and then another 2 tickets about 4 months ago. <br>
^^^^^ sweet!!! lol <br>
2nd place is the 1st loser
I just got my first ticket in MO, and am going to court today for it... they said I didn't have the option to pay through mail and I MUST show up in court... I'm glad I read this before I went. Oh, and does anyone know if IL calls their tickets back to MO?? I have gotten a few in IL (where I go to school) but as far as I know they haven't gone against my license. Anyone know? <br>
I was just wondering what the spped insurance companies start to hike up rates up. I got a ticket about 5 months ago for going 5 over and nothing happened with my insurance. Now I have one for 10 over in Iowa and I was basically wondering if this will make my insurance go up. Thanks.
My first tcket I took a pic of the cop pulling me over, I turned around and snapped a pic out the back windshield of the cop behind me with the lights on
Kenny Jacobs wrote:I got a ticket about 5 months ago for going 5 over and nothing happened with my insurance.
Just wait till the next time your policy is up for renewal. You will probably get the rate hike then.
Darkstars wrote:My first tcket I took a pic of the cop pulling me over, I turned around and snapped a pic out the back windshield of the cop behind me with the lights on ![](/global/images/emoticons/ab.gif)
Thats kool I guess......lol something to have to remember it by lol
2nd place is the 1st loser
Damn I cant even post advice, I have had 17 tickets, and lost my licence twice now. Shot for supervision though. I have had it 12 times. <br>
11 speeding, 1 racing on the highway, and 1 for not yielding right of way to a police officer...
lost my license for a total of 1 yr. 4 mths (the one year was for one full consecutive year)
my insurance for the cavy is down now, but was up to about 1200 every 6 mnths..
WI sucks.
1 more speeding ticket and i wuolda lost my license for 3 years... don't speed. I won't say it saves lives, but... it sure costs a lot of money. and it SUCKS meeting chicks and bein 'like, "do you mind driving for the next year?" or, "do you wanna pick me up?" <br>
I'm tellin' Uncle Ben!! You stole his RICE!!
"premiere cavalier" coming soon to a street near you!!