I was looking at all the cam specs from the 2.3 and 2.4 years. the secret cam swap has 1995 Cam Specs 200 degrees @ .050" with .360" lift for the intake LD2 (1990+) Cam Specs 200 degrees @ .050" with .375" lift for the exhaust. Well i have gotten the cams out of a 89 2.3 and both intake and exhaust cam have 212 degrees @ .050" with .345" lift. The duration on the LD2 cams are 12 degrees long but the lift is like .30 less than the secret cams. My question is which would make more power the secret cams which have more lift but shorter duration or the LD2 cams which have longer duration but shorter lift. Please explain if you know the answer
I'm running the 89 cams and the engine feels torqueier. Supposedly low lift and higher duration is good for a beefy midrange.
eh... i run .430 lift .222 dur... the motor hates to idle, but runs great from 2800 rpm - 8000 rpm
My car should love to idle when I drop the 240 dur .430 lift cams haha. The main reasons I did the old school cams were because I didn't want to upgrade the valve springs and I havnt heard anything great about the secret cams.
hell even mine has a finicky idle with the LO cams, guys. although it is an auto so its got a lower idle speed....
i honestly feel that the LO cams are a much better option versus the secrets, i know that the LO intake is not that much bigger than the 95 intake but it makes them MATCHED set and thats what makes it better i believe. but either way if your gonna go through the trouble of modding the LO intake cam you might as well do HO's. only reason i used it was because i got it off jmarks when he upgraded to an HO intake cam. it originally was made by todd miller for brian speedracerz.
only time will tell though, i hit the dyno on the 11th. hoping for 160whp/155wtq after the tune. the same motor with basically the same parts made 151whp untuned on the same dyno 10 years ago LOL

I choose the technology built for land speed records... not the technology built to save on emissions and gas mileage.
Oh got ya I wanna do the HO cams but trying to find them cams i have a better chance at finding a needle in a hay stack. So if you had to choose between the 89 cams and the secret cam swap which would anyone prefer? Or if anyone can give me any advice on where i can get the HO cams and where i can buy a 2.3 to 2.4 intake manifold adapter plate.
Scott in the Alberta regional forums has some for sale and I just sold 3 sets
"As I lay rubber down the street, I pray for traction I can keep, but if I spin and begin to slide, please dear God protect my ride." -Amen
OEM sells a phenolic spacer for the 2.3 / 2.4 intake manifold
so i can go to my GM dealer and ask for a phenolic spacer or is the company name OEM?
thank you so much man i really appreciate it!
what are some other websites that i can order performance parts for my 2.4 LD9
I got most of my stuff from:
Karo - carcustoms.net
TTR - turbotechracing.com
thank ya! btw how in the heck did you get your 2.3 intake so nice looking? when i get my 2.3 LO intake i wanna paint it
mine is powdercoated kandy red.
did you like wire brush and sand the hell out of it?
negative... the powdercoat shop media blasted it before powder coating...
the only thing i did was remove the bracket points that were on it
Mystic02VA (GME Chat) wrote:I got most of my stuff from:
Karo - carcustoms.net
TTR - turbotechracing.com
Thanks for the reference!

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