Leaving soon to be the next tip of the spear in OEF i will be home in about a year and my wife already knows where the most of the deployment money is going. full build on a 98 2.2..... What I need is the full specs on that motor. piston sizes rod lengths bearing sizes. all the goodies for a pan up rebuild going to price it and buy the parts while in theater. Going to strip the block and send it out durring mid tour leave some time durring summer next yer. just trying to get my ducks in a row.
I really can't help ya with the 2.2 specs, but good luck out there in Afghan land. I'll be there about April next year myself. Hope your build goes well. Are you wanting to go N/A, turbo or supercharged? That will determine some the parts and specs you'll want to get.
2004 Cavalier Sedan
Well you tell me. I want to build a REAL motor w/turbo. I'm looking for no less than 250HP. so a 2.2, a2.4 a particular motor that works best?? All assistance is greatly appreciated.
Gary prtune wrote:Well you tell me. I want to build a REAL motor w/turbo. I'm looking for no less than 250HP. so a 2.2, a2.4 a particular motor that works best?? All assistance is greatly appreciated.
Look at my build in my profile.....

P&P Tuning
420.5whp / 359.8wtq