Ok ill get to the point, Car sputter upon take of. As i continued to accelerate it sputter as the rpm got to around 5k then i shift to 2nd same issue till i decide to pull over, cut the car off, wait like a few sec then i started it up and popped the hood and rev the engine and it would rev fine... so i get back into the car get ready to drive assuming its back to normal, i begin to drive it sputters again. So am baffled as it can rev smooth bad when i drive it it sputters? Well so anyway the sputter fades and then as i begin to put foot into it to see if all the kinks were out, it begins to sputter at the more i would floor it. So all i could do is give it half-throttle and granny clutch and decided to get near a autozone . So the closer i got to a autozone the car would seem normal, So i decided to put foot in to it again..normal....changing threw 1st 2nd and 3rd all reaching 5500 rpm so now am confused, no sputter...nothing no codes...why?
The things i changed before was all fuel related. fuel filter, fuel regulator,....ok not alot...but thats what need to be change but that was for a flooded engine issue.
I also ask a friend and he said it could be a ecu and i cant find any at a autozone, napa, or advance so guys am lost....
My guess is spark plugs, icm, fuel pump, or tps sensor.
When is the last time the plugs were changed?
How many miles on the car?
"A car just isn't a car without a little blood, sweat, and beers." -- Shadowfire
um sorry about the late reply. The sparks were change a month ago along with the tps and i also changed the spark boot being that the number 1 boot was kinda cracked along the top. Miles-149080..again sry about the lateness
Well I was going to say torque converter, but yours is a manual.
I'm guess either bad fuel or spark related.
PRND321 Till I DIE
Old Motor: 160whp & 152ft/lbs, 1/4 Mile 15.4 @88.2
M45 + LD9 + 4T40-E, GO GO GO
I was going to say TPS until you said you already changed it. Then again, is it an autozone part? Could be bad...or do you have a friend with a scanner to make sure it's calibrated correctly?

"In Oldskool we trust"
lol auto zone, yea there know for faulty parts. But naw it was a napa part, i got a scan with the check engine light checker thingy ( sry i don't know whats its called) but i pulled up no codes, plus the light didn't come on either when the sputtering occurred either. You think its the cai i have (aem short ram) or maybe you think i need a professional tune, cause i have that and a true flowing custom dual exhaust. Maybe am running to rich due to the intake? eh i don't know but so far it didn't happen sense this post so maybe it could be my ecu? maybe, well you be the judge which is why am asking you guys....thxs
what engine do you have?
I would say check the spark boots, thats usually the problem.
Also make sure your spark plugs are still in correctly and they are gapped correctly.
I would also make sure the FPR is installed correctly as well as the filter, and that all vacuum lines are in tact.
Good luck. Keep us updated
i have a ld9 (2.4) i change the spark plugs and the boots but before hand when i had a fuel issue with the engine being constantly flooded due to the fpr (which is fix), i change the spark plugs before finding out the it was the fpr being my main issue, i was think the cause i was running all screwed up BEFORE the fpr was change i think i caused my spark plugs to go into early retirement, so ill think ill change those before i proceed. Side note- is that your honda in your sig?
Let me know what you find.
Nah its not mine, I had an EK that was almost identical but Im back on my first Cav again, i was able to buy it back.
By the way check your coil packs, when I had the issue you are describing in my old ld9 it turned out that was the issue. Its a really cheap fix and a common problem overlooked.
k will do. And welcome back to your roots