Did a 03 Eco swap. Gonna run Saab kit can I plug a 04 Saturn ion redline ecu in? If not what's the difference between the ion ecu and having my stock 03 ecu reflashed to the cobalt ss ?
Both those cars use different reluctor wheels than the J-body L61. You either have to:
A. Put the 03 ECU in and get the GM reflash or HPTuners or see if you can get a Trifecta tune.
B. Put the 03 ECU in and
get in on this..

1000+hp economy engine, hell ya!!!
1. Been looking and calling dealers no one will reflash without the car there. Even if it was there I am not so sure they would flash it.
2. What is trifecta?
3. Hp tuners will be my last resort. As I feel the gm reflash is more reliable
The Gm reflash is a weird 2.5 fake(doesnt actually see boost). I hate it. If you have an experienced tuner HP Tune your car it'll be leaps and bounds better.
Trifecta is a custom mail-order tune.

1000+hp economy engine, hell ya!!!
I have Trifecta its a a good tune not complaints here

Mods: Synapse Charge Piping, Short Throw, Bad-Mab Dp, Dejon Intake, BYT Tuned!
Parts For SALE! Pacesetter Header(ECO),17'in Resonator, Alternator, Starter, Viper Alarm.
GM reflash is a piece of crap. I consistently see my wideband hit 11:1 at 0psi IE no vacum no boost it gets as rich at 9.9 under full boost.