I need help with my intake!!!
Installed the LE5, with a AEM CAI, and Tri-Flow stage 2 camshafts (no tune yet)
My probem is as soon as I finally sealed up the tb, and installed the manifold completely and correctly, my car CAN NOT IDLE
It hold relativly steady at 500 rpm and nearly stalls out, so it picks itself back up to around 750, until I hit the throttle, and drops to 500, or stalls out.
This hose connection was broken on the new manifold, so I had to jimmy rig a connection for it. I am 99% sure it is not plugged up since then.
If i remove this said hose (see picture below) Then my car will idle, and run smooth
It connects to this (btw... wtf is this?)
I am planning on getting tuned on saturday night, but NEED to figure out this problem first!!!
Please help!
I was thinking I could put a small k&n filter on the end of that LE5 intake manifold piece, and hopefully it will run, but I dont know what it is, or if it will cause big issues for me?
This is what my manifold currently looks like if youre interested in how I "jimmy'd" it
*** Also: I took my car for a drive around the block, and it drives fine, good power. I hooked the code reader up to the computer (after resetting the battery), and it has a constant pending of P0506 but does not throw a code (within the 10 mins of idling / driving around the block) ***

Buddy Club Ecotec Cavalier
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did you drill the hole for the IAC valve in the throttle body adapter plate?

Buddy Club Ecotec Cavalier
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the cobalts have an electric throttle. swapping to the LE5 mani for them is a bolt on affair. not so much for us (but close).
we have an IAC valve that controls engine idle. its basically a controlled air leak.
it breathes through a window near the bottom of the throttle body. the adapter plate that CED sells does not have a provision for the IAC to breathe through.
so when it opens to bring up your idle no air gets into the engine.
you need to drill a hole in it to give the IAC something to breathe through.
in the area of the red circle. MAKE SURE you get it in the area of the IAC if you miss and it leaks you'll have a high idle.
the window of the IAC is fairly large just make sure your hole is within that window and you'll be fine.
omfg i love you

Buddy Club Ecotec Cavalier
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While I was reading this post, I had a feeling that's what the problem was. I drilled a similar size hole. I wasn't sure if it needed to be bigger. It seems to work.
Pj, what if the hole was bigger or matched the opening size on the TB, what would happen to the IAC sensor?
you know, PJ I never drilled a hole in my IAC location lol
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
So how did yours work Qwibby?
Have all of you changed your injectors and got the comp tuned as well?

Buddy Club Ecotec Cavalier
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And that thing you dont know what it does is the evap purge solenoid, its for emissions.
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phil, depending on where your throttle stop is air still leaks past the butterfly. In your case its enough to have a decent idle. But if I were you I'd drill it out.
02ecotecimportkiller... I drilled 2 more holes the same size in the window when I thought I had stalling problems because of the IAC and it didn't change at all, so one 1/4" diameter hole will be fine.