Hello, I was wondering if it is worth it to buy a RK sport under drive pulley, and If I will notice any significant changes. I race a 95 2.2L cav on a half mile oval with just bolt ons and want to see if its even worth to buy, or if I should just spend the money on gas tires etc.
Jo Brown
Remember when sex was safe and racing was dangerous

I know I have a 2.4 but I had an underdrive pulley and a system, not huge only 500 watts, and it slowly killed my battery. Luckily it was still under warranty. I would imagine no system and you would be fine as said above.
Nice I guess I'll order that in soon

. Thanks for the help Mad Jack.
Remember when sex was safe and racing was dangerous

This may be a noob question...
but when you put a small pulley on alt/crank/etc dont you need to find a custom belt?

Buddy Club Ecotec Cavalier
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