i have a 00 with a 2.2l i want to up the rpms to around 7k for this engine build would the msd dis ignition system allow me to increase the rpms or would i actually need to send the ecu out to be reprogrammed im not worried about top speed just look for more revs mostly because i want to see if i can build the motor to handle more rpms. so for the people who think im some 16yr old dumb kid looking to kill myself im not im 21 old enough to know doing this @!#$ on the street is stupid. i take all my racing to the track or i don't race i've seen to many kids killed street racing and i've seen alot of money thrown away because they wrecked there cars. anyways just wanted to know if i added in the msd system with the interface if it would allow me to change my rpm from i believe its around 6,200 or less
you have to retune

Buddy Club Ecotec Cavalier
* More to come *
Daniel Head wrote:i have a 00 with a 2.2l i want to up the rpms to around 7k for this engine build would the msd dis ignition system allow me to increase the rpms or would i actually need to send the ecu out to be reprogrammed im not worried about top speed just look for more revs mostly because i want to see if i can build the motor to handle more rpms. so for the people who think im some 16yr old dumb kid looking to kill myself im not im 21 old enough to know doing this @!#$ on the street is stupid. i take all my racing to the track or i don't race i've seen to many kids killed street racing and i've seen alot of money thrown away because they wrecked there cars. anyways just wanted to know if i added in the msd system with the interface if it would allow me to change my rpm from i believe its around 6,200 or less
why rev that high? there's NO power to be had up there... the OHV drops SHAPRLY at 6500.
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obviously more RPM means more power.
Build the car for Higher RPMs first
then retune the Rev limiter with HPTuners
i stated i was trying to remove for the engine im currently building lol im not that stupid!!! i know very well there is nothing over 6500 but no one ever said yes or no to the msd ignition upping the revs ?
wow. some people cant comprehend
its been said once ill say it again, YOU NEED TO RETUNE YOUR CARS PUTER! thank you drive thru

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
i heard hptunes works wonders.