All B.S.
They fill your head with lies. Government Motors wants your money.
/sarcasm. I didn't even read it.
if they would make a good looking stock filter people wouldnt swap them out . . .
the filter may be better but its all the piping into the throttlebody that kills the stock setup
Whats up people?
LMAO!!! The article states that a OEM paper filter gives your engine all the air it needs. What a crock. Article reads like it was written by someone in the paper air filter business.
I will agree that the worst part of the equation is the stock of the companies that specializes in Hondas (Spoon maybe) simply replaces the OE tubing with smooth tubing and uses the stock air box, not sure about what they do for a filter though.
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Seen many a used oil analysis where someone only switched from a oiled filter to a paper filter, and level of dirt and "insolubles" as they call it went way down.

All one would have to do is increase the surface are of the paper filter to increase flow.
Good stuff.
On my experience back in 2004 I dyno tested my GT as a before(N/A) and after (S/C). After also included testing a clean/oiled K&N drop in filter, original OEM ACdelco with under 12K miles on it, and with out the filter. Thinking the K&N was was going to give me 2-3 WHP increase, turns out it gave me a 1 full WHP drop. With out the filter, gave me 4 WHP more then the ACdelco. I got home and looked at the K&N up against the light and sure enough I saw way to much light passing through filter. That's when I said that is it with a K&N drop-in filters and have been staying with AC Delco ever since.
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-----The orginal Mr.Goodwrench on the JBO since 11/99-----

I replaced the filter on my 06 Impala with a K&N drop in and noticed a decent difference. Plus the card sounds meaner lol.
Mr.Goodwrench-G.T. wrote: I got home and looked at the K&N up against the light and sure enough I saw way to much light passing through filter.
huh? wouldnt that make it flow MORE?
180hp in 1989 or 145hp in 2002, you decide. >
I'm not surprised by this, mostly because many of the filter's I've seen with short ram or CAI kits actually have less surface area than the stock filter.
In fact, back in my VW days, someone on Vortex did a test where they ran a bunch of MAF grams/second logs using VAG-Com and found that a stock airbox modified (smoothed out all of the internal baffles with a dremel, and used a 3 inch hose to replace the original intake tract from the fender to the box) with a stock filter actually showed the biggest improvement in airflow compared to several leading short rams and CAI's.
I mean, hell, you can see by looking at them that most of those aftermarket filters are much more dense than the paper counterpart.
Arrival Blue 04 LS Sport
'Nuff said
Mr.Goodwrench-G.T. wrote:Good stuff.
On my experience back in 2004 I dyno tested my GT as a before(N/A) and after (S/C). After also included testing a clean/oiled K&N drop in filter, original OEM ACdelco with under 12K miles on it, and with out the filter. Thinking the K&N was was going to give me 2-3 WHP increase, turns out it gave me a 1 full WHP drop. With out the filter, gave me 4 WHP more then the ACdelco. I got home and looked at the K&N up against the light and sure enough I saw way to much light passing through filter. That's when I said that is it with a K&N drop-in filters and have been staying with AC Delco ever since.
I mean it depends on the engine of course, but a loss, didn't think I'd see that.
Personally the only reason I use K&N or BMC is because I prefer to clean then buy new. Not much to do with performance. Everything I own has one or the other. Cleaning kit and some compressed air does wonders...
Well, 1-WHP loss is not going to make a difference at all, especially when you're going up against a Veyron. I honestly don't know why it would loose a pony. Maybe the oil? I never saturated the filter, just coated until it turned reddish-pink. I'm not sure if K&N uses nylon or cotton, but if it is made out of cotton, could it eventually shrink a little like a cotton shirt, causing the pores to get bigger?
I was like Rosario and used my K&N filter because I can clean it at will and not go out spending on a new every so often. After seeing the light pass through, I asked how well does this filter?
Maybe K&N open filters are better, I don't know. I do know Ford now uses open filters, maybe those can be adaptable and can also filter out better when you have a open system?
Rosario... I would be very careful using compressed air, or a water hose, or anything that has a lot of force... those fibers are fragile that could easily spread open; it is a bitch to put back.
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-----The orginal Mr.Goodwrench on the JBO since 11/99-----

Mr.Goodwrench-G.T. wrote:Well, 1-WHP loss is not going to make a difference at all, especially when you're going up against a Veyron. I honestly don't know why it would loose a pony. Maybe the oil? I never saturated the filter, just coated until it turned reddish-pink. I'm not sure if K&N uses nylon or cotton, but if it is made out of cotton, could it eventually shrink a little like a cotton shirt, causing the pores to get bigger?
I was like Rosario and used my K&N filter because I can clean it at will and not go out spending on a new every so often. After seeing the light pass through, I asked how well does this filter?
Maybe K&N open filters are better, I don't know. I do know Ford now uses open filters, maybe those can be adaptable and can also filter out better when you have a open system?
Rosario... I would be very careful using compressed air, or a water hose, or anything that has a lot of force... those fibers are fragile that could easily spread open; it is a bitch to put back.
Yeah I knew it didn't filter as good as a stock filter, but thats the downside of putting more air into the engine. For some, it matters right?
I run race filters on my bikes and my higher HP snowmobile...
And yeah im eazy with em, chain saws and @!#$ like that i just let em rip, theres to much gunk and there foam filters, but on my car filters I have a nice wide open tube for my compressor, its less pressure more flow...does the job real well...
It was always fun to tell a customer with a MAF DTC that the extra oil on their filter caused the code and that GM wont pay to clean it.
I bought my Z24 brand new in 1998 and 2 weeks after i bought it i had to drive from Pittsburgh Pa. to Detroit MI. I filled my tank in Pittsburgh and hit the road, kept the cruise on 75mph the whole time. By the time i hit the Michigan border outside of Toledo OH. the car was completely empty, i needed to stop somewhere and get gas.
A week went by and my RK Sport CAI finally showed up at my front door. I quickly bolted it on and didn't really feel much of a difference except the exhaust sounded a little deeper. That weekend i had to drive back to Detroit again so i filled the tank and set the cruise for 75 and hit the road...only this time something really amazing happened. When i got the Michigan border outside of Toledo...i had a quarter of a tank of gas. I actually made the entire trip on one tank of gas and had some to spare to drive around to find the cheapest gas in Detroit.
That was proof enough for me that whatever the filter doesn't give in HP it gives back in much better fuel economy. That whole thing i just read sounds like a load of crap.
"Formerly known as Jammit - JBO member since 1998" JBOM |
It is amazing how many people believe that better airflow = more power!
this made me stop reading immediately.
DaFlyinSkwirl (Pj) v2.0 wrote:Quote:
It is amazing how many people believe that better airflow = more power!
this made me stop reading immediately.
I found another article by the same author, its called "@!#$in turbos, how do they work?"
Looking for something new? How about an off topic forum where you can truly express your opinions without interference of mods or admins?
Ronin J wrote:DaFlyinSkwirl (Pj) v2.0 wrote:Quote:
It is amazing how many people believe that better airflow = more power!
this made me stop reading immediately.
I found another article by the same author, its called "@!#$in turbos, how do they work?"

I know why would you drop all that $$$ when you can just buy a turbonator.

Hahn Stage II - Mitsu TD06-20g |3" Turbo-back Exhaust | 61mm Bored TB |
HP Tuners | Innovate WB02 | Spec Stage 3 | Team Green LSD | TurboTech Upper | Full Addco Sways | Sportlines & Yellows |
Mr.Goodwrench-G.T. wrote:Good stuff.
On my experience back in 2004 I dyno tested my GT as a before(N/A) and after (S/C). After also included testing a clean/oiled K&N drop in filter, original OEM ACdelco with under 12K miles on it, and with out the filter. Thinking the K&N was was going to give me 2-3 WHP increase, turns out it gave me a 1 full WHP drop. With out the filter, gave me 4 WHP more then the ACdelco. I got home and looked at the K&N up against the light and sure enough I saw way to much light passing through filter. That's when I said that is it with a K&N drop-in filters and have been staying with AC Delco ever since.
With all due respect, even within a day on the same dyno, you could see that much variation naturally. It seems like doing like three sets of pulls at each condition, while varying the condition between pulls, and getting an average would be more accurate. There may be +/- 3whp between runs for example. Just so happens your best of three was with the stock system. Just sayin...
oldskool wrote:Mr.Goodwrench-G.T. wrote:Good stuff.
On my experience back in 2004 I dyno tested my GT as a before(N/A) and after (S/C). After also included testing a clean/oiled K&N drop in filter, original OEM ACdelco with under 12K miles on it, and with out the filter. Thinking the K&N was was going to give me 2-3 WHP increase, turns out it gave me a 1 full WHP drop. With out the filter, gave me 4 WHP more then the ACdelco. I got home and looked at the K&N up against the light and sure enough I saw way to much light passing through filter. That's when I said that is it with a K&N drop-in filters and have been staying with AC Delco ever since.
With all due respect, even within a day on the same dyno, you could see that much variation naturally. It seems like doing like three sets of pulls at each condition, while varying the condition between pulls, and getting an average would be more accurate. There may be +/- 3whp between runs for example. Just so happens your best of three was with the stock system. Just sayin...
Actually the best of three was with no filter.
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-----The orginal Mr.Goodwrench on the JBO since 11/99-----

i beleive this was floating around LS1tech for a few weeks

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!