I got my cam reground and it now has .439 lift. I now need new valve springs. Atleast for the intake side. My exhaust will be an HO cam and I'm using an 086 head. I could do the supertech setup for like $400 or so. You can buy those in sets of 8 so I'm considering just doing the intake side. Or if I wanted to get risky I could do the mantapart springs for $200, will they work with stock retainers though? Also I could do the ls1 springs but I havnt heard a lot of success with those. I'm kind of on a budget so the more I spend the longer it will take. Any suggestions?
Exactly the more you spend the longer it takes and the more its done right
The mantapart ones will work with the stock retainers yes.
What springs do you have in now?
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
I will be shopping for new springs as well. I have been advised by someone I trust on the issue that my cams will be to much for my current 2.3 springs.
BuiltNBoosted wrote:Exactly the more you spend the longer it takes and the more its done right
wow.. something i actually agree on with you! 100% LOL
honestly cory... dont even think about the mantapart springs. yes.. they are better than the stock LD9 springs but worse than stock HO springs. basically, i would never use them for anything more than an LD2 cam swap or secret cam swap. we suspect jay had valve float with his with only .415 lift.
you could look into getting a new set of ho's cryotreated. ive heard that it can up the tension a tad and makes them last longer.
180hp in 1989 or 145hp in 2002, you decide. >
I currently have whatever 2.3 springs came on my remanned head.
Brad I was referring to the mantpart 2.3 springs. They claim to be good to .475 lift.
I will probably go with the supertechs, atleast I can buy them a piece at a time.
I could see about getting my springs cryo treated...that's a good idea, I'm still concerned about coil bind though.
I was looking at other alternatives and I think based on some info I found that if I were to ditch the rotators I could use Edelbrock 5703 dual springs.
I found these measurements on this site
2.3 HO Springs on 2.4 Head with 2.3 Retainers,2.4 Keepers,2.4 Rotators
Free Height; 1.712"
Wire Dia.; .174"
ID; .777/.893"
OD; 1.125/1.241"
Installed Height; 1.399"
Coil Bind; .918"
Max Travel to Coil Bind; .481"
And these are the edlebrock springs, i would use 2.3 retainers and keepers.
Sugested install hieght 120@1.700"
At max recomended lift 330@1.180" which is .520 lift
Coil bind 1.130"
They arent exactly the dimensions but they are damned close. From what Ive read without the rotators install height is somewhere arounr 1.800" which could be shimmed to the 1.700"
Any thoughts...maybe too much pressure
oh you mean the mantapart duals...
well, im not so sure its worth the money as im pretty convinced its just a set of stock ho's (or less) with a second small spring inserted.
now, if you wanna add in the special bases they have to custom machine, the washers, and brand new gm locks, and titanium retainers, then yes... i think its worth what they charge. i like my set, just need to get them pressure checked to see just how much i do like them...
also, manta's remove all of the rotators, the brandon blaga aka 'supertech' version retains them. so its really up to you....
180hp in 1989 or 145hp in 2002, you decide. >
Well I hate to cheap out but it isn't going to be a daily driver so I'm strongly considering ditching the rotators. Maybe the second spring is enough to make the difference. Plus they are good to .47somthing lift so says mantapart. I could always shim to boost seat pressure.
Well I decided to say screw it, I'm ditching the rotators and going with ls1 springs. I got a deal on some that should have a seat pressure in the high 90s. If they work out everyone will know we don't need the rotators and if they do kill the valve job in 15000 miles they do. In the mean time ill save for some SS valves and the supertech springs just in case.
yeah man, that works.
im actually glad your going that route. it will give us another 'known' option. i realize that others on Q4F have done it but they dont post much and information is scare and sketchy at best.
180hp in 1989 or 145hp in 2002, you decide. >
Tell me about it, i searched and searched and searched over there. They talk about it but sure dont give any details. Once I get everything figured out I will definitely post up the details of making them work. So far im only at a little under a 100 dollars for the springs and locators/cups. I will have to see if the spring seats on the head will need machining or not, im going for a 1.800 install height.
If im reading right I think that the 2.4 retainers might fit the LS1 springs better, good thing I have a spare 2.4 head sitting around. I might even take the left overs and install the 2.3 springs on the spare 2.4 head if thats the case lol.
im running HO springs on my .430 lift cams without any issue
Edited 2 time(s). Last edited Monday, June 14, 2010 10:03 AM
sure, some can get away with it but its risky.
i personally wouldnt run the risk.
and really kyle, you've got like 1000 miles on ur engine.
180hp in 1989 or 145hp in 2002, you decide. >
close to 3000 now... and clyde had 5000 on his... and these cams were made to be a mild upgrade for the HO
The guys on Q4F at one point said the HO springs are only good to .430 lift.....I want to be safe