so i was thinking i'll just buy 2 of the 6.1's, put one in the back, one in the front, and dual supercharge em both. anyone have a write up on this?
now i'm just like everyone else that wants to do ridiculous and retarded swaps.yay!
We have a search feature !!!!!!!!! Try usin it.!!!!!! LOL
MMMM LT5 (more of a modified pentroof though, but that is what the new Hemi is anyways)
bah the hemi has been done already... look it up
i want a DMC Cavalier... with gullwing doors, a flux cap, and the ability to exceed 88 mph...
i guess the bird @!#$ makes it 2 million dollars...
Lol, thanks dave, I needed a good laugh!
So how's the bmw working out?
lol, its not. the shop that bypassed the heater core put coolant in the clutch and brake resevior, i just can't prove it, so now the seals are all swelled up and the clutch doesn't work. only a matter of time on the brakes....gotta replace it all. dicks. on other news, my cav should be back in about 2 weeks. finally!
hmmm a six pack later im liking this idea. we should all give me money and and buy a ls8 or 7 or whatever it is and build a mid engine cav. nad keep it front wwheel drive. oh shieet can leave teh ld9in there to assist in takje off, hmm yepm my cat is biting myntoes abd it hirts. see ya tgsis weekend brad
Dave De Stefano wrote:lol, its not. the shop that bypassed the heater core put coolant in the clutch and brake resevior, i just can't prove it, so now the seals are all swelled up and the clutch doesn't work. only a matter of time on the brakes....gotta replace it all. dicks. on other news, my cav should be back in about 2 weeks. finally!
Nice, glad to hear you'll be back in a J! Let me know if you need a hand anytime working on it (or the bmw)!
EVILution (Low and kinda Slow) wrote:Dave De Stefano wrote:lol, its not. the shop that bypassed the heater core put coolant in the clutch and brake resevior, i just can't prove it, so now the seals are all swelled up and the clutch doesn't work. only a matter of time on the brakes....gotta replace it all. dicks. on other news, my cav should be back in about 2 weeks. finally!
Nice, glad to hear you'll be back in a J! Let me know if you need a hand anytime working on it (or the bmw)!
thanks matt. i may take you up on that sometime. how's the suspension workin for ya? did you ever get it adjusted right?
Suspension is working out beautifully! I fooled around with the dampening, and lowered the rear about another quarter inch...rides perfect now, and feels great with handling. Just have to get my sway bars and torsion bar in, then really see how hard I can push it, lol!
EVILution (Low and kinda Slow) wrote:Suspension is working out beautifully! I fooled around with the dampening, and lowered the rear about another quarter inch...rides perfect now, and feels great with handling. Just have to get my sway bars and torsion bar in, then really see how hard I can push it, lol!
let me know how that ends up workin out for ya!
well technically a 2200 does have hemispherical head sooooooooo it is a hemi of some form
I <3 JGM
I think bigfoot is blurry,
that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry. And that's extra
scary to me. There's a large, out-of-focus monster, roaming the countryside.
"Run! He's fuzzy!" "Get outta here!"

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005