I am in the process of rebuilding my 2200 motor. I have the head being ported, and was just wondering if everything I have picked out will work. I will be using the stock valves because the oversize is a lot of work for only a small difference in power. They have already been cut and checked. I will be running the Comp Cams 26981 springs with a set of 1.6:1 roller rockers to increase the lift on the cam. I will prob be doing a cam as well but I haven't decided on buying a new stocker, or doing a regrind. Depends on if the increase lift from the roller rockers will be enough. The motor will be bored .20 over with a Cometic head gasket. It will be a N/A motor and I am hoping for 200-250 whp after the tune. The car has a full exhaust now with a header so the exhaust is done.
Now the questions I have are will the stock compression be enough because I am planning of shaving the head. I do not want to have too much compression where I need a high octane fuel everyday as it is a DD. I know I will have to put higher octane fuel in it. I believe the stock compression is around 10.8:1 if I am not mistaken, so if i shave the head ill have at least 11:1.
Are the 26981 springs going to work with the rockers and stock hardware? I know the valve seats will have to be machined because of the installed height. Will the pushrods have to be 0.100"longer?
I also know that a valve cover spacer will most likely be needed for rocker clearance.
Any advice/comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
hmmmmm where would you be getting this valve cover spacer from??? lol
LOL well I have the valve cover from the spare motor so I can cut off the top section and just use a gasket in between but if that doesn't work then arrangements will prob be made!!
Really, you think you're going to see 200+ whp on an NA LN2, possibly on stock compression and stock cam? You're in for a big 'ol load of heart-break when that double-digit dyno pops onto the screen... Stock compression is 9.0:1 BTW.
I would highly suggest
against running those springs with a stock cam; you will likely make
less power.
fortune cookie say: better a delay than a disaster
Vinny wrote:LOL well I have the valve cover from the spare motor so I can cut off the top section and just use a gasket in between but if that doesn't work then arrangements will prob be made!!
Are you serious about this?
That is one of the craziest things I have ever heard.
The lip on the stock VC is only about .1857-.250 thick.
Then machining it true, you will be lucky to have a .125 spacer.
Just buy the spacer I make for $75 and save yourself the hassle!
It's going to be very tough, if not impossible to have a 200+ WHP LN2 as a daily driver; especially n/a. You'll need ridiculous compression, a great cam, a $1,000 head job, and nice forged pistons. Those things will basically suck all the "daily driver" right out of the car. Not to say it wouldn't be cool.
OHV notec wrote:You're in for a big 'ol load of heart-break when that double-digit dyno pops onto the screen
And that's coming from 2 guys who love the LN2. I'd love to see another LN2 build though, so stick with it!

"In Oldskool we trust"
Yeah my entire family is into machine work, and we build our own race motors so the head work is not a problem for me. We have a couple drag cars in the family, and go racing all the time. I thought the compression was higher than that so I guess the 11:1 or 12:1 pistons will be better. I know the lower comp is for boost. I know the cam is where i can make the power so that will have to be the best. Have to remember that when you shave the head you increase the compression too. I will keep looking for tricks here and there and keep everyone in touch. There's always ways to make power, just have to search around and see.