Synthetic Oils - Performance Forum

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Synthetic Oils
Sunday, June 14, 2009 10:08 AM
I race a 1994 Cavalier 2.2 OHV on a 1/4 round track. We run 15-20 laps per race and turning about 6500 in 2nd gear. I have ran conventional 10w-30 since I have built a new engine. I recently went to my local auto parts store and bought the Synthetic Valvoline 10w-30 oil change special. I have not yet raced it yet like this. Would it be better for my engine or should I change back to conventional before the next race? Thanks in advance.

Re: Synthetic Oils
Sunday, June 14, 2009 11:05 AM
Synthetic is always better for racing and performance in general. It stays cleaner longer and lasts longer. It doesn't break down as quickly and will make an engine last longer.
Re: Synthetic Oils
Monday, June 15, 2009 6:42 AM
Either oil is good, the biggest thing is to change it more often than street cars. The synthetics usually have a better grade of friction modifiers and as stated doesn't break down as quick. The oil changes should be done more often than on a street driven car, due to the heat and friction extremes the motor is under. How often does a street car see 6500rpm?

Do you run dirt or asphalt? If running dirt, it best if you change the oil on a fairly often basis (we changed our monthly, but our sponsor gave us the oil). Conventional oils are supposed to be better for dirt cars also. Getting a little into the science side, the inconsistency of the oil molecules pick-up and carry away the minute dirt particles that will get into the engine better than the synthetics molecule which are of a consistent size.

Re: Synthetic Oils
Monday, June 15, 2009 7:06 PM
I run asphalt and change the oild every 4 or 5 races anyway. I just wanted to make sure that it may be slicker or at least see an advantage of running it.
Re: Synthetic Oils
Tuesday, June 16, 2009 6:12 PM
brad penn green racing oil, 20w50 semi syn. it is expensive, but only sold privately and has all detergents in place. it is the only oil we let touch our motors
Re: Synthetic Oils
Monday, June 22, 2009 5:52 PM
use oils with high zinc and phosphorus (brad penn, valvoline vr1, royal purple, delo, rotella).
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