TORONTO,CANADA.......looking for a shop to build n/a ln2. - Performance Forum
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looking for a place to start with my 97 2dr wanna build reliable daily driven ln2 looking for 180hp any suggestions where to start new to this and only had the car a few months any help would be greatly appreciated.
180hp, daily driven/reliable and the LN2 shouldnt be used in the same sentence.

I believe I can see the future... as I repeat the same routine....
so instead of grilling me about it then lead the way star! like i said i am new to this and dont know what this motor can hold but i do know that if built well its actually not that bad of an engine.
no its not a bad motor, but that kind of power N/A is going to require some not so streetable modification.
You can get that power forced pretty easy, or even juice can get you there without to much trouble. I would look into those options. As far as shops to do it, the only place in Canada I know is JBP, and they are expensive. They have a list of authorised canadian retailers that might be able to help you though.
The LN2 is notoriously tough to make power with. In fact the only person claiming over 130 hp at the wheels is Bob Gutpill, and his car is a circle track racer (read: probably not easy to drive in traffic, even if it were in a normal frame). If you want about that much power, you have a couple options though. One is turbo, one is a Quad4 HO swap (comes stock with 180 HP at the crank), and the other is the 3400 V6 swap. For a little more, and a little more work, you could go with the 3800 S/C, too. Otherwise you could try with the LD9 (2.4L Twin Cam).
Don't get me wrong, it could be done, but it would cost more than the car did new, probably.
2010 Honda Fit LX
lol thanks for the direction guys its hard to find that quad4 around here these days but others have told me that too i had a chance with the 3.8 s/c but i was worried about weight i had a jetta that i did a vr6 swap in and when u took a turn it felt like u were driving a mack truck with the tires flat.
you could push the lns to 230 at the crank n/a...but like scott said, not worth it...i would just install a turbo, and call it a day(for what you want, just get the turbo specialties kit, keep it at its setting, and it should be somewhat that and you can probably do the work yourself if you have any equipment/room...if you're gonna take it to a shop, i would piece the turbo together, since they will prof. install it for you, so you get exactly what you want, and they do it right...but if you're gonna go turbo and not rebuild the engine, i wouldn't go more then 6psi).
is it the original engine? how many miles are on it?
keep in mind, anything is possible...just costs money...if you have a lot, you usually don't get a j, lol
^ Where on earth did you get this 230 number?
Here is the list of the top 5 LN2 NA vehicles on this site (that claim it anyway):
Top 25 WHP List wrote:
Standing Name HP TQ Dyno Type
1 Nitrous Nate 130.00 143.00 Dynojet LN2 N/A
2 2Bluecavy 119.00 126.00 LN2 N/A
3 96 Cav 112.00 Dynojet LN2 N/A
4 02silvercavy 107.00 132.00 LN2 N/A
5 Badasscav 101.60 122.00 LN2 N/A
230hp is over 100hp/liter, only one 2.4 has claimed those types of gains NA, not going to happen on an LN2 - Information Source For 4 Cylinder Tuners
Buy stuff from CarCustoms Ebay! Won't be disappointed!
pro racing shop...a while ago i was thinking of going this route, and they said with ym engine, up to 230 at the crank is possible...but thats about it(i don't reccomend it, cuz its very expensive, and is very stressful on the engine...which is why i'm not going with it...for that much money, i can get much more power, and it'll last longer with boost).
I got some eagle rods for this engine.. let me know if you want them! Ill let em go for a really good price.
we are probably at 230 crank hp, our car put down 203.4 or something at the wheels, but as stated above it is an all out race circle track motor. we are taking it back tot eh dyno this spring to try some new tricks we recently installed
some things to keep it from being daily driven are
12.2 compression ratio
carbeurated with distributor
112 octane leaded fuel
46* timing btdc
no mufflers
power doesnt start coming in until about 4000, we rev it up to 8000
no alternator or power steering
i can help people with what we use to make this power but keep in mind you would be very brave with driving it on public roads
try thid canadian mid east forum
Working on obtainting an M-Class license... ?? Hint: 2 wheels.
Redline performance could probably build your motor no problem. u wont get 180 but if you build it you should get nuff HP for yourself. and if u need more u could always add a small shot of nitrous when u get the need for speed.
Working on obtainting an M-Class license... ?? Hint: 2 wheels.
thanks for the feedback, i will be going with jbp performance so as the build progresses i will keep you guys posted should be about a month hopefully.
Matthew Caron wrote:thanks for the feedback, i will be going with jbp performance so as the build progresses i will keep you guys posted should be about a month hopefully.
have fun with that....
why not ask about JBP over
1997 Cavalier Z24
Bomz Short Ram Intake
Vibrant Cat-Back
KYB GR2 Struts
Goldline 1.75" Springs
RK Sport Upper Insert
RK Sport Lower Dogbone
Custom Tune by Shane @
15.647 @ 88.02 MPH
i hadnt used the site enuff at that point i just made a post and hoped i would get some decent responses and thats when i was lead to jbp a lil on the pricey side but the look ok so far so we will see as we go do you yourself have experience with them or anyone else i am just going off what i see on the website.
alot of people have ran into problems there. go join the JCO and ask around. lots of people have used them before and none of them trust them anymore. and yes, they are on the pricey side.
the cams they sell there for my car are listed at almost $800 CDN. the guy who's design it is (which they seem to have stolen and cut him out of the loop) charges $300 less.
1997 Cavalier Z24
Bomz Short Ram Intake
Vibrant Cat-Back
KYB GR2 Struts
Goldline 1.75" Springs
RK Sport Upper Insert
RK Sport Lower Dogbone
Custom Tune by Shane @
15.647 @ 88.02 MPH
i have all my stuff custom fabbed and it comes in a lot cheaper than jbp
Matthew: Just for clarity, are you looking for 180-wheel horsepower or 180-flywheel horsepower? Because if you mean flywheel, I know of a setup that was just tried by an LN2 builder that pulled an estimated 160hp...
Go beyond the "bolt-on".
180 flywheel horse power is very plausible and capable to maintain streetable mannerisms with either the 2.2L or the 2200. The big thing with these motors is the brutal (for the displacement) low to mid range torque, which is what these motors were built for. I'm talking torque from just off idle to 5800 + rpm, with peaks in the 190+ lbs/ft range at about 4000 rpm! More can be had, but at the cost of idle characteristics and higher rpm range requiring more rpm and not-as street friendly gearing.
Everyone seem to do everything but the cam regrind. They just want to use a stock cam with the 1.6 roller rocker conversion. Nitrous Nate made a broad flat torque on a stock cam and stock diameter valves. To make more than what he made try using the +1mm valves or larger (intake) and a cam with about 210-214 degrees @ .050" on the intake and about 6-10 degrees more on the exhaust. better valve springs will allow for more lift (up to .500" +) than the stock springs will handle (about .477"). Tightening the lobe centers to 112 degrees will put you right where you want.
I am currently working on a cam and another head that should put me right at the lower end of this range. I'm staying a little milder, since this is my daily driver and I'm erring on the safe/milder side.
with our race cam our torque was a straight line from 2200 rpm all the way to 6300 rpm and then it fell maybe 10 lb-ft al the way to 7100 rpm we were steady at 197 lb ft thorugh most of it
Over 180 wheel hp LN2:
Not so streetable though. 110 Octane needed.
Stock head stops flowing around .500" lift. Lager valves and throat work improved flow to about .550" on mine. Probably someone with real porting experience could do better.
read this thread....and you'll see why Not to go to JBP, as far as swaps talk to darren (sunfireGTP), he's the 3400 master, lol....seriously though he's done alot of swaps with that motor and is pro...he just finished colin steeles car and did an awesome job.

"If you have no clue what's going on... STFU!"
Im on my way to building a 400+ hp 2200. At least I hope ..... car will be done in spring and getting tuned there after. Fully built and boosted! But I think I will need a bigger turbo to flow more CFM for those HP numbers.
Mad Jack ..... Im getting that SBC valve train set up as soon as I get my taxes. Im also getting custom spun valve guides for 5/16 stems. I also sent out my cam two weeks ago for that re grind!
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