I have an 03 automatic Cavalier............what can I do to it to make it faster.......can anyone help me out..........all I have on it is a AEM cold air intake.........
What sort of mods are you looking for/how much are you willing to spend?
Weight reduction is free.
Bolt-ons are typically cheap, but don't net much power.
Boost or nitrous are pricey, but make loads of power.
New sig in the works.
Gotta have a plan, and know what youre doing... those two things will get you far. If you dont know what youre doing, research a bit.

Did I mention I drive a 2000 Lumina now?-----wigm-tuners.org member
Wait a minute, looks like you already have a turbo, exhaust and a header. Why make it faster if you already beat everyone in cali?
Everyone, feel free to clicky teh link
Myspace forum arguement: Javier's car.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, January 22, 2009 11:55 AM

Did I mention I drive a 2000 Lumina now?-----wigm-tuners.org member
LOL I read that whole thing....what a TOOL!
Hahaha, thankyou for that link! Some people... Its all true though, we're ALWAYS racing for them G's in Cali cause we do it so big! Please don't go on this internet thing anymore Javier, thankyou...
hahaha.....yeah i remember doing that @!#$..........i know i shouldn't have said that i had all that in my car if it wasn't true but the dude that i was arguing with was a cocky ass dork and i didn't like that.............so i apologize to everyone for that...........i hope u guys can give me another chance and help me out..............
Javier Martinez wrote:hahaha.....yeah i remember doing that @!#$..........i know i shouldn't have said that i had all that in my car if it wasn't true but the dude that i was arguing with was a cocky ass dork and i didn't like that.............so i apologize to everyone for that...........i hope u guys can give me another chance and help me out..............
no. go over to clubcav. you'll fit right in.
JBO Stickers! Get yours today!
Rich Grayo Jr. wrote:Javier Martinez wrote:hahaha.....yeah i remember doing that @!#$..........i know i shouldn't have said that i had all that in my car if it wasn't true but the dude that i was arguing with was a cocky ass dork and i didn't like that.............so i apologize to everyone for that...........i hope u guys can give me another chance and help me out..............
no. go over to clubcav. you'll fit right in.
x UN BILLION!!!!!!!!!

Hahn Stage II - Mitsu TD06-20g |3" Turbo-back Exhaust | 61mm Bored TB |
HP Tuners | Innovate WB02 | Spec Stage 3 | Team Green LSD | TurboTech Upper | Full Addco Sways | Sportlines & Yellows |
well right now i got about 1500 to spend so i'm looking for something that will give me somewhat good power.............
now i know boosting will cost more than that, so that might be out of the question..................but what about if i put it on the bottle..........
and if bolt-ons r better..........what kind of bolt-ons would i be able to get..............also can u give me an estimate on the cost of what u think might be the best choice.........
Javier Martinez wrote:hahaha.....yeah i remember doing that @!#$..........i know i shouldn't have said that i had all that in my car if it wasn't true but the dude that i was arguing with was a cocky ass dork and i didn't like that.............so i apologize to everyone for that...........i hope u guys can give me another chance and help me out..............
Dude, Re-read that myspace thread. You asked how to put a test pipe in place of your cat and he said it was a bad idea. You went on to say how you don't care about the "cock-happy police", that chevy was originally an import, and that you were on a racing team. That makes
him a "cocky ass dork"? You sir, are a grade "A" Douche cannon. I have to agree with Rich: Go to Clubcav.

Did I mention I drive a 2000 Lumina now?-----wigm-tuners.org member
dont waste our time and research urself
Working on obtainting an M-Class license... ?? Hint: 2 wheels.
hey mija how many different ways do i have to say that i apologize for that @!#$..........eres peor que una vieja............
dude, shut up! i read the myspace arguement you had. "race team"=retarded. your the reason all tuners are frowned upon. because you think you have the fastest car in the world and your a bada**. your more like an a**hat!
HardcoreXSunfire wrote:dude, shut up! i read the myspace arguement you had. "race team"=retarded. your the reason all tuners are frowned upon. because you think you have the fastest car in the world and your a bada**. your more like an a**hat!
Exactly. People like you are the reason others think J bodies are rice.

Did I mention I drive a 2000 Lumina now?-----wigm-tuners.org member
my guy y u trying to act all hard when ur on the internet.......because i bet that if we were face to face, u would not tell me to shut up because i'd knock u on ur ass..........all i know is that i'm trying to be the bigger man here and apologize and u guys just keep acting like females and nagging and nagging away.........if u guys don't wanna help me then it's cool.........and i actually am in a race team but i'm making my car into a show car but i wanted to make it a lil faster while i'm doing it...............
$1500 bucks? Header, high flow cat, catback exhaust.
Then after that save up for the supercharger kit. Or don't buy the header and go to the junkyard and find a 03+ Saab 9-3 and tacke the turbo and components off of it.
Javier Martinez wrote:my guy y u trying to act all hard when ur on the internet.......because i bet that if we were face to face, u would not tell me to shut up because i'd knock u on ur ass..........all i know is that i'm trying to be the bigger man here and apologize and u guys just keep acting like females and nagging and nagging away.........if u guys don't wanna help me then it's cool.........and i actually am in a race team but i'm making my car into a show car but i wanted to make it a lil faster while i'm doing it...............

8 psi with m62 and IAT under 100
Tourian wrote:$1500 bucks? Header, high flow cat, catback exhaust.
Then after that save up for the supercharger kit. Or don't buy the header and go to the junkyard and find a 03+ Saab 9-3 and tacke the turbo and components off of it.
sounds like a plan too me.....if you dont want teh full exhaust right now keep saving for the supercharger kit...its about 2500 your gonna need another 1000 bucks....and that will put you up there with new civic si's, gti's, rsx type s, and some other cars....your looking at about 200 hp. START SAVING!
Javier Martinez wrote:hahaha.....yeah i remember doing that @!#$..........i know i shouldn't have said that i had all that in my car if it wasn't true but the dude that i was arguing with was a cocky ass dork and i didn't like that.............so i apologize to everyone for that...........i hope u guys can give me another chance and help me out..............
I am said "cocky ass dork".
How am I a "cocky ass dork"?
You are the one disrespecting police, I have many friends that are in law enforcement, and you piss me off with remarks like that.
I tell you something, if you had your car broken into, or your mom was mugged, who would you call?
Those "cock happy police".
Because they protect you.
Javier Martinez wrote:my guy y u trying to act all hard when ur on the internet.......because i bet that if we were face to face, u would not tell me to shut up because i'd knock u on ur ass...........if u guys don't wanna help me then it's cool.........and i actually am in a race team but i'm making my car into a show car but i wanted to make it a lil faster while i'm doing it...............
Watch out guys, e-thug over.
Please go race your car into a tree.
Hopefully you only kill yourself
Javier Martinez wrote: all i know is that i'm trying to be the bigger man here and apologize and u guys just keep acting like females and nagging and nagging away.......
You should be apologizing to me and everyone you acted like a douche to on myspace.
But it's ok, because I would rather you apologize to all the people that are killed in street racing accidents each year.
Go learn English
How is that turbo running?
it has been on your car what? months now correct?
i just want to say, this is better to read than some tv shows are to watch.... i can't wait for more to read...
CLC wrote:
Go learn English
x 100000000000000
Javier Martinez wrote:
my guy y u trying to act all hard when ur on the internet.......because i bet that if we were face to face, u would not tell me to shut up because i'd knock u on ur ass..........all i know is that i'm trying to be the bigger man here and apologize and u guys just keep acting like females and nagging and nagging away.........if u guys don't wanna help me then it's cool.........and i actually am in a race team but i'm making my car into a show car but i wanted to make it a lil faster while i'm doing it...............
LMAO!!! Spoken like a true Rice Boy.
¡Usted chasca el acoplamiento abajo!

Hahn Stage II - Mitsu TD06-20g |3" Turbo-back Exhaust | 61mm Bored TB |
HP Tuners | Innovate WB02 | Spec Stage 3 | Team Green LSD | TurboTech Upper | Full Addco Sways | Sportlines & Yellows |
ok that sounds cool.......now will the components from that Saab fit my Cavi pretty easily or will i have to do any modifications to it...........
and as for me disrespecting the police.....i dont give a @!#$........because u see where i'm from, the cops don't help us.........all they see is color and that;s it.........so y should i have any respect for them when they don't respect us..........
like i said my guy i apologize for that @!#$.........and u could either accept it or let it go but that's all up to u...........
and as for u telling me to go kill myself..........i don't even know what to say.......that's beyond childish.........
and u telling me to learn english.......u got a problem with me talking in spanish........u prejudice or something........
dude i'm not trying to say oh my God............i'm just calling u MY GUY..........where i'm from, it's a form of respect.............