Me and a cpl of buddies were thinking about getting together a ss motor in my 4 door 00 cavi. Pretty sure we can do it. We were thinking about putting the turbo in but they said not to due to all the computer crap to go along with. I'm kinda iffy about it and i would like some responses on it. What do u guys think before i buy the motor. Is $3500 a good price for it with the tranny? Or is it too steep? Found one on the net last night.
make ur title match ur post, and then people will the car a 98 or 2000???? did u serach first. i bet if you did that, you would get ur answer.
WAY too steep, you would have better luck and cheaper doing a 2.2 ECo and getting the M62 supercharger for it or the saab 9-3 turbo setup
the power the SS puts out is easily obtainablt out of the 2.2 eco and there way more infor here on it
if you wanna do it go ahead but you will find theres not as much info and its cheaper to do it the other way cheaper and more power
that 3500 you wanna spend on the motor and trans will cover the ECO and boost it plus leave you some cash left over if you find a good deal on the supercharger or turbo
JBO since July 30, 2001
a Corporal of buddy's?
'02 Z-24 Supercharged
13.7 @102.45 MPH Third Place, 2007 GMSC Bash SOLD AS OF 01MAR08
why is this still something people want to do?
my god... order the GM supercharger kit and do up the j-body 2.2 liter ECO. more displacement and a hell of a lot less headaches.

I believe I can see the future... as I repeat the same routine....
See this post. That post is the first record on JBO of a LSJ swap, so unless your a crazy little rodent, I doubt you have the time or money.
Evofire- Sry about that in the title i was thinking of my other at the time.
Taetsch. Cpl as in couple
z-yaaaa- I wanna do just for the fact people say go the other route, I like a more difficult challenge
Tinkles- time or money is not a problem....Did u say rodent? "Tinkles" says it all in ur name
Tinkles- time or money is not a problem....Did u say rodent? "Tinkles" says it all in ur name
if you clicked the link, you'd know he is referring to my sn.
jokes are usually funnier if you do your homework first.
I suggest checking that link, it'll answer a lot of your questions.. just read the posts that I make (they're usually the only ones relevant to the topic)
Eddie Walton wrote:z yaaaa- I wanna do just for the fact people say go the other route, I like a more difficult challenge
i can respect that... but first i think an easier challenge should be done...
swap a regular L61 (2.2 eco) into the car and get that running first i think should be the first priority.

I believe I can see the future... as I repeat the same routine....
no body is saying it cant be done, but they are saying its not worth it. the power to cost ratio to drop in the LSJ is not worth it. there's a lot of work in dropping in an LSJ as basically EVERYTHING from a cobalt/ion equipped with an LSJ needs to be swapped. same goes for the LE5 and LSF. for less money and time spent on an LSJ swap a 3x00 motor could be put in and the same or more power would be had, and you would still have a fairly uncommon motor.
1997 Cavalier Z24
Bomz Short Ram Intake
Vibrant Cat-Back
KYB GR2 Struts
Goldline 1.75" Springs
RK Sport Upper Insert
RK Sport Lower Dogbone
Custom Tune by Shane @
15.647 @ 88.02 MPH
Eddie Walton wrote:Tinkles- time or money is not a problem....Did u say rodent? "Tinkles" says it all in ur name
1st as PJ(Daflyin
Skwirl) said I was referring to him and 2nd If your trying to pick on me for my sn, too bad, i wouldnt be using it if stuff like that bothered me.
If you do decide on doing it, i suggest not pissing PJ off, he has ALOT of insight into this swap. Have fun.
United States
United States Army
In the U.S. Army Corporal (CPL) is preceded by the first three forms of Private and is equivalent to the rank of Specialist. A Corporal rank shares the same pay grade (E-4) as a Specialist. Unlike a Specialist, however, a Corporal is a junior non-commissioned officer and may direct the activities of other soldiers. A promotion from Specialist to Corporal is a lateral appointment.
Currently, very few soldiers are made Corporal. Most go from Private First Class to Specialist to Sergeant. However, Corporals are found in many combat units. The typical criterion for promotion to Corporal is that the Specialist must be serving in a leadership position that would typically be occupied by an NCO such as a Sergeant.
It is common for a Corporal to lead a fireteam; however, if a soldier is promoted to Corporal and there are too many soldiers of that rank, the new Corporal will stay in his current position.
The rank of Corporal is the only rank in the United States Army that was never removed from the NCO Corps since the earliest days of the Army.
United States Marine Corps

Corporal (Cpl) is the fourth enlisted rank in the U.S. Marine Corps, ranking immediately above Lance Corporal and immediately below Sergeant. The Marine Corps, unlike the Army, has no other rank at the pay grade of E-4. Corporal is the lowest grade of non-commissioned officer in the U.S. Marine Corps, though promotion to Corporal traditionally confers a large jump in authority and responsibility compared to promotion from Private through Lance Corporal. Theoretically, Marine Corporals generally serve as "fire-team leaders," commanding a 4-man team or unit of similar size. In practice, however, the billet of fire team leader is generally held by a Lance Corporal, while Corporals serve in the squad leader billet that would normally be held by a Sergeant (E-5) in infantry units. In support units, they direct the activities of junior Marines and provide technical supervision. Because of its emphasis on small-unit tactics, the Marine Corps usually places Corporals in billets where other services would normally have an E-5 or E-6 in authority. Similarly, the term "Strategic Corporal" refers to the special responsibilities conferred upon a Marine Corporal.
No Walton, Cpl, IS Corporal.
'02 Z-24 Supercharged
13.7 @102.45 MPH Third Place, 2007 GMSC Bash SOLD AS OF 01MAR08
Well I want to apologize for being a total ass. I'm sorry. Been having alot of problems here lately.
just buy a cobalt
Working on obtainting an M-Class license... ?? Hint: 2 wheels.
i have a motor and tranny i would sell cheaper out of 06 cobalt still runs 30k on car
This swap has bein done b4. There was some dude with a black cavy where lm from lm from toronto, n we used to see that thing pull! She was quick l must say it's way better to do a lsj swap or just boost the 2.4 motor or the 2.2 ecotec. Dont bother with those gm superchargers, they're just a waste of coin n same with those saab turbos... But l think if l see that guy around again or if my boy has his email l can give it to u n u can contact him cause last l heard he still had that motor n tranny after a injector n belt snapped or something he pulled it out so if he does have the motor n tranny its a 2.0 ectoec supercharged stg2 or stg3 with a meth kit l think as well and l think he has all the wiring n fuel lines n the axle as well cause 1 of my buddies wanted his motor n tranny to do in his car but he didnt have enough coin to do the whole swap.