Ok so I have come a long way from my car being smashed up a few weeks ago but it still wont start. I hit someone from behind and squashed my rad, headlights, air conditioner condenser, and hood latch. I replaced all of that, But my real problem is it wont even try to turn, just single click sound every time I turn ignition. Its not the battery because I replaced that too, with a new one and everything works. Is there some sort of kill switch or something that could have been set off when I rear ended this person? any ideas why the starter is not even trying? and where is the starter? it couldnt have got hit in this accident because it was only minor right? plaese help anything is appreciated, if I cant figure it out myself Ill take it to the mechanics but thats costly.
oh my GOD people!!!!! FILL OUT YOUR PROFILE!!!

I believe I can see the future... as I repeat the same routine....
Loose connection somewhere. And what he^ said.
I had no idea I had a profile so chillll. its a 99 cavalier with a 2.4L. does that help?
starter is under ur intake maniflod maybe its a ground and did u leave the key in the on positon for 15minutes it could be securety issue

8 psi with m62 and IAT under 100
ok your gonna call me an idiot but I dont even know exactly what an intake manifold is and I dont think its a security issue because it started doing this the day I got in the accident and other than that, nothing was done differently. Is there a way to reset the security system? just to clear that and make sure that has nothing to do with it
yes but the car pops into the security mode whenever the F it wants... try it, it cant hurt. however, if the car isnt even cranking, i doubt this is the issue. usually security starting issues mean the engine runs for a few second and then dies.
the intake manifold is the black plastic piece with 4 tubes bolted to the front of the engine (closest to the radiator support). the starter is BELOW this.
if your car has the GM dealer installed RECALL relay for the starter system wires installed it was bolted to the radiator support and quite possibly could have been damaged in the collision.

I believe I can see the future... as I repeat the same routine....
check all ur fuses?

8 psi with m62 and IAT under 100
I havnt checked any fuses, thats a good idea. where should I start? lol theres alot so which one(s) would affect the starter? Also I think i found the starter, its the can looking thing above and to the right of the oil filter right? I see a thick cable that is coming directly from the battery. I want to check if the starter is getting the right amount of voltage from the battery with my volt meter. Where do I touch the black and red prongs to get a proper reading?
BTW thanks for the help so far I think im getting it.
ya thats the starter there, for fuses check IGN, BATT 1 and 2 and did u ever try jumping it kinda sounds like battery might not have enough juice was the new battery charged?

8 psi with m62 and IAT under 100
z yaaaa wrote:yes but the car pops into the security mode whenever the F it wants... try it, it cant hurt. however, if the car isnt even cranking, i doubt this is the issue. usually security starting issues mean the engine runs for a few second and then dies.
the intake manifold is the black plastic piece with 4 tubes bolted to the front of the engine (closest to the radiator support). the starter is BELOW this.
if your car has the GM dealer installed RECALL relay for the starter system wires installed it was bolted to the radiator support and quite possibly could have been damaged in the collision.
I would check the relay, if it's there. also, maybe the starter solenoid, but I doubt that would just decide to go bad right after an accident but Ive seen crazier things. whatever it is, good luck!

Did I mention I drive a 2000 Lumina now?-----wigm-tuners.org member
If the car doesn't click or anything check your starter relay. Make sure the black lil dinky wire didn't that goes to it didn't get pinched. I believe the orignal place for it is on the radiator support but not sure as to i got mine zip tied to battery, Check the ground wire from the battery to the the battery tray to the tranny. Check all the wires that is grounded to the tranny along with the 3 wires i belive hooked to the starter..
By any chance did it shove anything back close to the motor? Make sure you check all those wires for breaks also. If it did shove anything back be sure to check the harness that goes across the bottom of the radiator support for breaks in the plactic or a kind place. If there is one i would make sure the wires are fine there also. Even though i am positive there is no wires in that part of the engine harness to affect your cranking problem but could cause actual running problems.
I'd also check your fuses to be sure.
Also if you want pics of any of the wires i'll take some for you since i have a 99 fire but has a 2000 motor and 97 harness but everything is still hooked up the same..
my rad support did get pushed back but I heated it up with a torch and bent it back as much as possible before I put the rad and everything back together but this starting problem started before I changed my rad and stuff out. I am going to the garage right now to work on it for a bit. Is it possible to take the plastic crap off to get at the starter easier from the top or is it just easier to get at it by lifitng the car and getting at it from the bottom? Heres a pic of what it looked like before and what it looks like right now, I think I got the rad support as straight as possible, what do you think?
ok so I just checked the fuses and there good. I then removed the air intake peice and took a look at all the wires connected to the starter motor and solenoid including the + and - battery cables, they all look good and none were even near getting touched from the accident. When I go to start it everything works and when I turn the ignition to the start postion all I hear is a click, therefore I think its my starter motor and/or solenoid that are bad but im going to test it with a volt meter to make sure the starter solenoid is getting the proper voltage. Is this the correct way to get a proper voltage reading? 1. touch the red prong of the voltmeter to the red positive on the solenoid 2. the black prong of the voltmeter to the black ground wire on the starter 3. Put the voltmeter on DC 4. All while having someone try to start it? Also which other year of cavalier will have a starter/solenoid to fit mine because I think I will replace the starter/ solenoid with a used one off a car from pick n pull unless...how much are they usually new? Has anyone every heard of a starter/solenoid going bad from a accident even though it did not get hit? maybe just being shaken up did the trick? The car has 191 000 km on it so maybe the starter/solenoid was going to go out soon and this small accident just did it?
When I go to start it everything works and when I turn the ignition to the start postion all I hear is a click
your starter motor is bad. replace the starter.
and this is the wrong forum for this. please refer to MAINTENANCE next time.
Sry Im still new to this site and didnt know which forum to put it in. Can an administrator or someone move it for me or can I do it myself? And do they usually sell starters with the solenoid or is that sold seperately?
No, you cannot move a post yourself. A Moderator must do this.
As for the next question, the starter and solenoid are usually sold seperately, but it wouldnt hurt to replace the solenoid as well, as long as it is all out of the car.

Did I mention I drive a 2000 Lumina now?-----wigm-tuners.org member
Ok then If any administrator sees this could they please move it to the MAINTENANCE forum, I think I could get more help there. Ok thanks but before I go buy a new starter (I have to wait until next cheque anyway) I want to be sure that im not wasting my money and that it will fix the problem. I noticed this gray box with a bunch of wires going into it that is in a place that is more likely to be affected by this accident than the starter, since coolant might have got on it because the rad busted open there as well as the rad support got hit and bent back a bit. Heres a pic of what im talking about.
This little box has a little wire going into it that goes directly to the starter solenoid and it is connected by itself on the solenoid not like any of the other small wires that are touching the big + and - cables coming from the battery. Here is a pic of where the wire connects to the solenoid.
Does anyone know what this little box is? and could it be causing my starting problem? if so how much is it to replace?
thats the relay they were talking about that got put on during a recall deal check that out
clean off that rusty ground right next to the battery too cant hurt
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Wednesday, January 21, 2009 9:16 PM

8 psi with m62 and IAT under 100
oohhh thats the relay. Can I grab one off any other cavalier at pick n' pull or does it have to be a 99 z24 like mine?
pretty sure anyone would work lol i dont have cuz it looks ugly so maybe someone who has one will know but pretty sure anyone would work

8 psi with m62 and IAT under 100
hey i found a relay for u pm me or something if ur intreasted

8 psi with m62 and IAT under 100
Jullien Segura wrote:ok your gonna call me an idiot but I dont even know exactly what an intake manifold is......
Ok. Stop touching your car, put the hood down and take it to a respected shop
Vitamin E (AKA Eddie) wrote:Jullien Segura wrote:ok your gonna call me an idiot but I dont even know exactly what an intake manifold is......
Ok. Stop touching your car, put the hood down and take it to a respected shop
Ummm thanks but that advice is usless. The first thing I did was have it towed to a body shop and they did a estimate of at least $4500, seeing as I only payed $2200 for the car im not about to spend all that nor can I afford it so its this or I have nothing. I usually do all my own work on my motorcycle and car so I think Ill get this figured out
Cody Star wrote:hey i found a relay for u pm me or something if ur intreasted
Thanks for the offer but im just going to go to pick n pull on monday and pick up a few for dirt cheap, see if one works. Its just quicker and easier but thanks for all your help so far