Where can I find som cam gears for a 98 Z24 ? I cant find ANY aftermarket cam gears for the LD9. Do they even make them for this engine?
OEM is about your only option as far as i know.
napa has them
"Never argue with an idiot. They'll drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience!" -Anonymous
unfortunately we dont have any adjustable options (if thats what you mean)

I believe I can see the future... as I repeat the same routine....
'02 Z-24 Supercharged
13.7 @102.45 MPH Third Place, 2007 GMSC Bash SOLD AS OF 01MAR08
z yaaaa wrote:unfortunately we dont have any adjustable options (if thats what you mean)
You are correct to a point. There were some made, and are super hard to find. Also very hard to adjust and test.
FU Tuning
^^^ again with vast knowledge LOL

I believe I can see the future... as I repeat the same routine....
Actually I think they were 2.3 (but still can be used on a the2.4). This just goes to show I have been around tooo long. Damn I'm old.
FU Tuning
hahaha yeah im old too but no where near as old as YOU! i remember your old sig with your blue car in the driveway with the vynal tears on the sides!

I believe I can see the future... as I repeat the same routine....
Brian has a set of +4-4 2.4 gears,,
once more, there easy to make..
'02 Z-24 Supercharged
13.7 @102.45 MPH Third Place, 2007 GMSC Bash SOLD AS OF 01MAR08
^^^ are they 'made' or an actual company's part?

I believe I can see the future... as I repeat the same routine....
there made by LMZ i think.
I made some +2-2 gears last year. its pretty easy, but you dont really get a EXACT number... all i did was take a protractor\ degree wheel and a center punch, drill a hole and a cam gear hole for the "lock" when you time it.
YOU could also do this..
Its for a Big Block, but you get the idea
'02 Z-24 Supercharged
13.7 @102.45 MPH Third Place, 2007 GMSC Bash SOLD AS OF 01MAR08
lmz??? do you mean lzm as in level zero motorsports?

I believe I can see the future... as I repeat the same routine....
IDN there old i know that. came with reground 95 LD2 cams.. around 400 lift and 230*
'02 Z-24 Supercharged
13.7 @102.45 MPH Third Place, 2007 GMSC Bash SOLD AS OF 01MAR08
sounds like it could have been lzm... (reground cams could have been from colt cams)
no idea if they have been around that long though.

I believe I can see the future... as I repeat the same routine....
I also have a set of what is suppose to be +4-4 2.4 cam gears. They are on the Reaper, but not sure who made them, or if they really are.
That sig is really old!!!! When I had my 97 I never had a sig. I think that sig was the first I ever had.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Sunday, January 18, 2009 6:25 AM
FU Tuning
hmm we need some more extreme veterans to chime in...

I believe I can see the future... as I repeat the same routine....
Taetsch Z-24 wrote:Brian has a set of +4-4 2.4 gears,,
once more, there easy to make..
brian willing to sell said gears?
Didn't Oldsmobile have adjustable timing gears for the Quad4 engines through their Rocket division?
I remember seeing this on the Quad4Forums a few years back and I even jotted down the part numbers while probably filing them away where I can no longer find them.
If I had time, I'd do some looking through my records but I'm getting ready for a trip to Cali and stay for a few months.
But I'm listening for future reference.
Newbie member since 1999
Thank you Dave and JBO! 

Yeah, we'll see if they ever come up with this.
Not to be a skeptic but I doubt it.
If they do, I'm all over it.
Newbie member since 1999
Thank you Dave and JBO! 

some guy on here awhile ago posted up that he had drilled a stock set and got the engine to run ten times better. but... thats just what he said so theres no proof to it.
and the rocket parts ones are LONG gone. only way to get a set is find a set someone already owns and beg them to sell.

I believe I can see the future... as I repeat the same routine....
When you're saying he drilled them, he did it for weight reduction of the cam gears?
Funny you say that because that was going through my mind. lol
Newbie member since 1999
Thank you Dave and JBO! 

nope, drilled them just like adjustable set.

I believe I can see the future... as I repeat the same routine....