hey guys i got my ss valves in yesturday the bronze guides are on there way now could you help me find where the heck to get some stock valve springs no one around here has them advance , napa , autozone they all say they dont have them i looked on the internet nothing i found some on the advance site but there are 2 diff ones so idk if you could help me out that would be great .
im assuming since your profile says 'z24' has engine that you have a 2.4...
the last time i bought valve springs for the 2.4 they were $55.00 brand spanking new from GM for the entire set, which is absolutely astonishing. however... dont expect that price now, this was at least 5 years ago.

I believe I can see the future... as I repeat the same routine....
yea i was figureing that yea sorry about that i failed to mention that it was a 2.4 i geuss im going to have to go there becasue i cant find them anywhere
How many you need? DOes it matter if they are used (less than 40K miles)?
all of them ... yea i was trying to get all new
did you try gm yet?

I believe I can see the future... as I repeat the same routine....
no im going there after while hoped fully they arnt much more .. but you know they will be after 5 years lol
I can use a Mantapart Sports 2.4TC Hydraulic Cam Followers (lifters) 33mm + Mantapart Sports 2.4 TC Valve Springs with Secret cams ?
I have other option: Clevite Lifters + OEM valve springs with secret cams
What combination you recomend with secret cams ?