Who makes them? Ive been considering options and supercharged with nitrous sounds like a winning plan. but then I'd need to use the manifold designed for the supercharger you say, but I say ill have nitrous before im supercharged so it wont be a problem. and ill find a way to mount the supercharger on the custom manifold anyway so its no big deal.
Besides I am gonna do some suspension work first, tein ss' with the front and rear sway bars should be good for our cars, I think haha.
i'm gonna call it early.. IBTL
Ummm do you know that there is a s/c kit made by GM for Eco J-bodies?
Im not stupid, but that post may have not made much sense
I am still trying to figure out what I want to do with my car. Right now I am trying to look at options for supercharging and nitrous.
I read in the sticky, that a custom intake manifold was needed to help prevent pooling. I am asking who makes them.
Then I asked if it would be possible to retrofit the supercharger on to the custom manifold or would I be wasting my time as I would have to revert back to the cobalt manifold.
Sorry to be confusing, but please dont insult me.
Tinkles wrote:Ummm do you know that there is a s/c kit made by GM for Eco J-bodies?
Yes, thats why I asked the question directly above this.
there is a COMPLETE kit made for jbodies....manifold and all....
Search Cobaltss.net, they should help figure out this question.
Thats not what I am asking, I am asking you to please read what I am about to ask for the third time word for word.
Who makes the custom intake manifolds, the cylinder aluminum manifolds for the ecotec? Because the sticky said they were good for running nitrous to help prevent pooling. I want to know more information about them.
Also, does anyone know, and this is the more information I just mentioned. I want to know if its possible to fit a supercharger ON the CUSTOM intake manifold.
I dont have any questions about the supercharger kit, OR the cobalt intake manifold. I know everything about them.
Ok STFU and listen. The cobalt SS guys would know more about this, cuz, well maybe their cars come with the M62 already installed(wow who would have thought). They run nitrous, too. So hop over there and SEARCH and see how they are running their nitrous.
I dont believe i didnt notice this before but we cant give you info until you fill out your profile so we know what car you have. Cuz believe it or not, it matters.
I cant think of anyone on this forum that is running a s/c L61 and nitrous.
If you have a LD9 your SOL, cuz the M45 and intake mani are one piece, unless you want to prepay for one of Vulcan's LD9 M62 manifolds.
BTW we all read what you wrote and maybe if you could form a complete thought you would get better answers(just a guess).
And yes i am a badass that knows nothing.

Its not like a M62 is getting bolted onto my eco this winter and i have no hp or 1/4 mile goals.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edited Thursday, December 11, 2008 5:51 PM
I'm not normally an @!#$, but dustin, learn to read. it will help you out a LOT.
Thats not what I am asking, I am asking you to please read what I am about to ask for the third time word for word.
Who makes the custom intake manifolds, the cylinder aluminum manifolds for the ecotec? Because the sticky said they were good for running nitrous to help prevent pooling. I want to know more information about them.
Also, does anyone know, and this is the more information I just mentioned. I want to know if its possible to fit a supercharger ON the CUSTOM intake manifold.
I dont have any questions about the supercharger kit, OR the cobalt intake manifold. I know everything about them.
uh, no. it won't fit, nor will the custom intake manifolds that are made (made by vulcan and level zero motorsports)be able to support the weight of the supercharger. could you have one made? yea, probably.. but it'd be some $$$
on top of that, the supercharger manifold has a built in water to air cooler (laminova) that helps to take temps down before compressed air gets into the cylinder head (detonation). Its a pretty tough manifold to beat for the M62 + ecotec.
...but I guess you'd already know that since you already knew about the friggin supercharger kit?
so in conclusion; no it will not be able to be adapted to the custom intake manifolds currently being made, and uh.. its a stupid idea.
and as long as you aren't running a huge wet shot, and have your nozzle jetted properly, pooling shouldn't be an issue either. I'm talking 75shot or lower
and thats the man you better damn well listen to /\/\/\/\/\/\/\ He knows his @!#$
Thank you skwirl for just answering my questions.
For the others.
I wasnt trying to be mean or a dick, but when you call me an idiot because you dont know the answer or understand the question, just ask to clear it up. Dont call me a dumbass or point me to cobaltss where I have been for the last year, so I know what is and what isnt there.
Tinkles, I will say this though, you are almost borderline retarded when it comes to the internet. I didnt ask if I can run nitrous with a supercharger, or what supercharger I needed, or what supercharger came on the cobalt. Cause guess what. I KNOW! What I didnt know was who made the intake manifolds for the J, and if it could work with the supercharger. Im sorry that you didnt understand, and I wish I could give you back the time you wasted coming in here and yelling at me saying stuff I already know.
Also, if you didnt know what car I had, maybe you should have read the title
Wouldn't going direct port cure your pooling issues anyways? I understand that's some $$$ but it costs to go fast right?
Tinkles wrote:The cobalt SS guys would know more about this, cuz, well maybe their cars come with the M62 already installed(wow who would have thought). They run nitrous, too.. So hop over there and SEARCH and see HOW they are running their nitrous.
Im sorry you feel that way. I like to think im and easy guy to get along with.
But if you asked clearly instead of just piling random thoughts into a post, you would have gotten whatever answer you wanted.
LMAO @ this thread

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Sorry, i just figured you guys would read that I asked who made the intake manifolds and would a supercharger fit on it, and just cut out the random bull@!#$ lol.
Now I have a new question.
When I am all said and done, Ill have around 230hp to the wheels, ex smaller pulley, big intercooler, badass tune. I know the ecotec is good and reliable to around 250hp, would a 75 shot, essentially giving me now 300 hp when I am feeding it, would I have any problems, since it would just be short bursts, and not all the time.
All this will still probably take a year or so, cause the car is stock, and I want to upgrade the suspension/wheels, brakes and transmission first.
Found something I dont know, I found the Vulcan Turbo website, and they have the manifold listed for both cable and electronic throttle bodies. How do I know which one I have, I guess assuming I have a cable going OVER the valve cover, that is for the TB, and I have a cable'd tb.
Dustin Slaven wrote:Found something I dont know, I found the Vulcan Turbo website, and they have the manifold listed for both cable and electronic throttle bodies. How do I know which one I have, I guess assuming I have a cable going OVER the valve cover, that is for the TB, and I have a cable'd tb.
Answered your own question.
I personally would not spray on a stock L61 with the s/c. GM blew the eco at 270ish hp(crank hp i believe) with nitrous, so your going to be "playing with fire". If you upgrade the pistons and rods, then i dont see a problem.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Friday, December 12, 2008 9:37 AM
Then thats what Ill do tinkles. Hopefully I'll be living with my best friend, who is a car god, and we could have the car opened and replace the rods and pistons in a weekend, once I have the money.
Ive heard basically all you need is pistons/rods and maybe even head studs and you are good for over 300.
Hope you had your flame suit on cause that was rough. If not pick one up on ebay. Just search "electric supercharger, Cavalier, Sunfire". You'll find what you need
Dustin Slaven wrote:Found something I dont know, I found the Vulcan Turbo website, and they have the manifold listed for both cable and electronic throttle bodies. How do I know which one I have, I guess assuming I have a cable going OVER the valve cover, that is for the TB, and I have a cable'd tb.
Pretty easy to check, just pop your hood and see if either you have a wire harness plugged into your throttle body (electronic), or if you have the cable from your firewall to the throttle body. The cable drive will have electronics run to it as well, but for two smaller sensors (IAC and TPS) the electronic will have one larger harness plugged into it in just one location (should be around 7 or 8 wires on one plug)