Hey everyone, I'm just here to help anyway I can. I don't know if anyone really wants this info or if this write up will become a sticky, but here are the complete specs on the Ecotec engine as posted from AERA (which stands for Automotive Engine Rebuilders Association). So, after calling a few machine shops (becuase our software is out of date), here's what I got!
Head Specs:
New Thickness: 5.0800-5.0850
Warp Spec: .004" Overall
Chamber Volume: 50.2-55.2 CC
Valve Installed Stem Height: 1.570-1.590 (I & E)
Valve Stem Diameter: .2344-.2355 (Intake) .2341-.2347 (Exhaust)
Valve Angle: 45 Degrees (I & E)
Valve to Guide clearance: .0012-.0022 (Intake) .0016-.0026 (Exhaust)
Open Spring Pressure: 118-129 PSI (I & E)
Closed Spring Pressure : 55-61 PSI (I & E)
Valve Seat Angle: 30/45/60 Degrees (I & E)
Valve Seat With: .047-.055 (Intake) .055-.070 (Exhaust)
Valve Lash: .040-.060" dry lash (I & E)
Crankshaft Specs:
Stroke: 3.742"
Rod Journal Diameter: 1.9291-1.9297
Rod Oil Clearance: .0011-.0027
Main Journal: 2.2045-2.2050
Main Oil Clearance: .0012-.0026
Rear Seal Diameter: 3.535-3.543
Crankshaft End Play: .0012-.0150
Connecting Rod Specs:
Big End Housing Bore: 2.0519-2.0525
Big End Side Clearance: .0028-.0146
Bolt Diameter: .375
Small End Finished Inside Diameter: .7877-.7882
Small End Oil Clearance: .0003-.0010
Center to Center Rod Length: 5.762-5.765
Camshaft Specs:
Cam End Play: .0016-.0057
Cam Main Journal Diameter: 1.0604-1.0614
Cam Main Oil Clearance: .0016-.0034
Block Specs:
Cylinder Bore Diameter: 3.3855-3.3861
Piston Protrusion: .035 Below Deck MAX
Piston Pin Diameter: .7872-.7874
Piston Pin Bore Diameter: .7875-.7877
Ring End Gap: #1 Compression: .008-.016 #2 Compression: .014-.022 Oil Ring: .010-.030
Piston Skirt to Cylinder Wall Clearance: .0004-.0016
Main Bore Diameter: 2.5224-2.5229
Someone else already provided torque specs and basic fluid specs, I was just helping out. I have torn into this engine completely, and it's pretty cut and dry. The only thing that can be a little of a hassle is the 5 tensioners they have on the timing chains. Timing these engines is a breeze. And if any of you are wondering, I do know someone that has degreed in cams for B18 Honda's and it's pretty much the same deal, you just one cam at a time. Adding adjustable timing gears makes it even easier. Thanks for hearing me out.
Project Resurrection is in full swing!
sweet. i dig on the info you posted.
Silly ricer, useless wings are for penguins.
Couple extra
Valves - Valve Face Runout - Maximum
0.04 mm
0.0016 in
Valves - Valve Seat Runout - Maximum
0.05 mm
0.0020 in
Valve Lifters - Valve Lifter Diameter - Stationary Lash Adjuster
11.986-12.000 mm
0.0005-0.0020 in
Valve Lifters - Valve Lifter-to-Bore Clearance - Stationary Lash Adjuster
0.013-0.051 mm
3.2210-3.2299 in
great info, thanks for putting it up
12.33 @ 111.67 mph [Oct 2009]
Dyno'd on 08/02/09 - Mustang Dyno:
327.6 WHP 333.6 WTQ [10.1 AFR]
And thanks to Kardain for adding that extra input that my specs didn't have. Glad to know I was able to help out on the org. Keep them engines hummin!
Project Resurrection is in full swing!