Turbo Tech Racing Lower Engine Mount Now Shipping Many Pics - Performance Forum

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Turbo Tech Racing Lower Engine Mount Now Shipping Many Pics
Wednesday, July 11, 2007 9:23 PM
Today and tomorrow the first batch of Turbo Tech Racing lower engine mounts will be shipping. I only had a few minutes to snap a few pictures today, so I decided to post a few that will be shipping out tomorrow.

Polished Mount, with Black Bushings

Silver Metalic Mount, with Red Bushings

Red Mount, with Black Bushings

Black Mount, with Blue Bushings

Black Mount, with Black Bushings

Enjoy... Sorry if you have 56K the pictures are a bit large but should load, each are about 70K...


Performance Parts For Cavalier, Sunfire, Cobalts and More!!!

Re: Turbo Tech Racing Lower Engine Mount Now Shipping Many Pics
Wednesday, July 11, 2007 9:51 PM
Looks great . If I didn't have the RK one I ordered from you already I would swap it up as well

My Cav
I give up...
i'm buying a VW those people love trees, so they should love eachother too... "Andy"
Re: Turbo Tech Racing Lower Engine Mount Now Shipping Many Pics
Wednesday, July 11, 2007 10:07 PM
ooooooooo pretty

Re: Turbo Tech Racing Lower Engine Mount Now Shipping Many Pics
Thursday, July 12, 2007 4:29 AM
They look even better in person, looking at the pictures and then the real thing, doesn't even compare. They are awesome looking.


Performance Parts For Cavalier, Sunfire, Cobalts and More!!!
Re: Turbo Tech Racing Lower Engine Mount Now Shipping Many Pics
Thursday, July 12, 2007 5:06 AM
Woo hoo, I made the short list.
Good deal.
TTR stickers always rock.


Remember....syringes go in the RED waste basket.
Re: Turbo Tech Racing Lower Engine Mount Now Shipping Many Pics
Thursday, July 12, 2007 5:17 AM
Mastin wrote:Woo hoo, I made the short list.
Good deal.
TTR stickers always rock.


As always a couple free decals with our Turbo Tech Racing Products


Performance Parts For Cavalier, Sunfire, Cobalts and More!!!
Re: Turbo Tech Racing Lower Engine Mount Now Shipping Many Pics
Thursday, July 12, 2007 7:15 AM
Now how are the differences between these mounts and the Prothane/ RKsport mounts and inserts. I have the mount and insert in my car and it will rattle my teeth out at idle. Are these alot smoother?

2009 Ford Mustang V6
Re: Turbo Tech Racing Lower Engine Mount Now Shipping Many Pics
Thursday, July 12, 2007 7:58 AM
Vincent Morris (active memeber on this forum) tested this for months and he stated the vibs are MUCH MUCH less than the RK Sport and Prothane, after this breaks in (500 miles or so) He had the RK Sport/Prothane prior and loves this mount...


Performance Parts For Cavalier, Sunfire, Cobalts and More!!!
Re: Turbo Tech Racing Lower Engine Mount Now Shipping Many Pics
Thursday, July 12, 2007 8:09 AM
Larry, I had the same set-up as you and it shook like crazy at idle, cruising was smooth though. I replaced the stock mount with insert with the TTR mount and it did reduce the amount of vibrations/shaking. According to all the previous posts about the lower mount, it should significantly reduce the amount of vibrations(the reason for the oval shaped bushings). I plan on getting one,as soon as the funds come available.

As for the shaking/vibrations, an automatic transmission is going to have more, due to the load that the fluid sheering that occurs in the torque converter ( there isn't a load placed on a manual tranny in neutral or clutched in). Turn the A/C on and it imparts a higher load, creating more vibes. This usually isn't a problem with stock motors(which don't have as many vibes) and mounts(which are more flexible, to absorb the vibes). It's when you add the solid/stiffer mounts and start modifying the motor that it becomes noticeable. A warm motor and hot weather will affect the amount of vibes a motor creates also. Just imagine what I go through here in Florida during the summer months with the A/C on and the mods I've done to my motor (which create a slight lope at idle, even in cooler weather).

The TTR upper and lower mounts should be much better than the RK Sport mount and insert, but I doubt it will ever be as smooth as stock, with any aftermarket mounts. That's the price you have to pay for the improved torque transfer, control and responsiveness you get from the stiffer mounts. If you have the 4sp/4T40E, the transmission mounts will help also, by holding the other end of the motor and tranny steady. Also, if your motor is modified, raising the idle rpm can help.

Re: Turbo Tech Racing Lower Engine Mount Now Shipping Many Pics
Thursday, July 12, 2007 8:35 AM
That was the other thing I was wondering. Is there anyway other than HP tuners that I could raise the idle to say 900RPM? I noticed when I raise the idle up there it goes away for the most part.

2009 Ford Mustang V6
Re: Turbo Tech Racing Lower Engine Mount Now Shipping Many Pics
Thursday, July 12, 2007 9:49 AM
so is this mount ndeed for SURE lighter than the OEM or rk sport's?

jw thats all.

Re: Turbo Tech Racing Lower Engine Mount Now Shipping Many Pics
Thursday, July 12, 2007 9:56 AM
hp tuners is kinda a saving grace for the mounts , no matter whos mounts they are

each car takes to mounts differently , in my s/c'd 00 cav the insert gave me a bad vib range at idle 600 to roughly 1000 , when i put the ttr upper mount in , that range dropped to a 200 rpm spread

and a quick idle rpm change , dropped it to 100 or less

aaron and turbo tech have done us all a great service at getting us high quality , and better products , he steped up where mark pain left off , and got us alot better options , and saved us some in dental bills , LOL

i liked the old rk and prothane stuff , they are inexpensive and work good , do the job they were made for and dont fail , aaron took the leap and gave us better

Re: Turbo Tech Racing Lower Engine Mount Now Shipping Many Pics
Thursday, July 12, 2007 11:10 AM
^^ Continuous improvement is what we call it

Last part on the list is the Auto Tranny mount, which still is getting designed (I should say about ready to be tested, as it is getting coated now)....

We will then carry EVERY SINGLE Engine/Tranny mount for the Cavalier/Sunfire from 1995-05 It is a long process but we see light very soon at the end of the tunnel. This has been a goal of ours for 2 years.

Please keep this on topic, however I just wanted to let that out about the progress on the mounts.


Performance Parts For Cavalier, Sunfire, Cobalts and More!!!
Re: Turbo Tech Racing Lower Engine Mount Now Shipping Many Pics
Thursday, July 12, 2007 1:37 PM
is there going to be a GP on this one too?

Re: Turbo Tech Racing Lower Engine Mount Now Shipping Many Pics
Thursday, July 12, 2007 1:39 PM
tha_prowler wrote:is there going to be a GP on this one too?

There is not one scheduled right now, there is not much room for improvement as the price to manufacture these are higher than we thought, however we will not raise the price.


Performance Parts For Cavalier, Sunfire, Cobalts and More!!!
Re: Turbo Tech Racing Lower Engine Mount Now Shipping Many Pics
Thursday, July 12, 2007 7:06 PM
i was at cordova with Vincent and he said he loved them im going to be ordering me one soon i have your upper one and the rk sport lower.

Re: Turbo Tech Racing Lower Engine Mount Now Shipping Many Pics
Thursday, July 12, 2007 7:29 PM
Even though I don't drive the Cavy anymore, I'm still getting the mount.
My car is in storage but could still benefit from this mount.
Hmmmm, let's see, a red body with blue inserts would match the upper mount.
Aaron, thank you very much for what you do.

Newbie member since 1999
Thank you Dave and JBO!

Re: Turbo Tech Racing Lower Engine Mount Now Shipping Many Pics
Thursday, July 12, 2007 7:45 PM
^^ Thanks to everyone for the great support.

Also, we added a "Flat Black" powder coat to the system. Also, we have improved the silver color to a better Silver Metalic color, which matches the silver cars better. We are always trying to make things even better


Performance Parts For Cavalier, Sunfire, Cobalts and More!!!
Re: Turbo Tech Racing Lower Engine Mount Now Shipping Many Pics
Saturday, July 14, 2007 2:20 PM
ordered mine last night upper and lower cant wait to get them
Re: Turbo Tech Racing Lower Engine Mount Now Shipping Many Pics
Saturday, July 14, 2007 3:45 PM
Aaron, get me a address and ill put that write up on a jump drive or CD or something so that i can get it to you. i tried a bunch of times and cant get it to shrink at all because of the pictures.

As for the mount, it is lighter, this one weighs only 1.5 lbs with the bushings in the mount. it does vibe less than the RK Sport. The mount is excellent and it is somewhat visible from the side. i recommend this mount over the prothane/RK.

Re: Turbo Tech Racing Lower Engine Mount Now Shipping Many Pics
Friday, July 20, 2007 6:36 AM
Many have these now in hand, some reviews and pictures would be cool to see


Performance Parts For Cavalier, Sunfire, Cobalts and More!!!

Re: Turbo Tech Racing Lower Engine Mount Now Shipping Many Pics
Friday, July 20, 2007 8:00 AM
Ill get some pics up this weekend. The car feels great. NO VIBES. These are my first mounts so i dont really have anything to compare to. I also installed the upper mount at the same time. The engine barely rocks. The car feels alot stronger. Now i just need to get one for my eco!!

Thanks Aaron for all your help!!

Should be putting on the clutch and flywheel some time in the next couple weeks!!

Re: Turbo Tech Racing Lower Engine Mount Now Shipping Many Pics
Friday, July 20, 2007 8:01 AM
Bulldog wrote:Ill get some pics up this weekend. The car feels great. NO VIBES. These are my first mounts so i dont really have anything to compare to. I also installed the upper mount at the same time. The engine barely rocks. The car feels alot stronger. Now i just need to get one for my eco!!

Thanks Aaron for all your help!!

Should be putting on the clutch and flywheel some time in the next couple weeks!!

That is GREAT to hear Thanks for the update.


Performance Parts For Cavalier, Sunfire, Cobalts and More!!!
Re: Turbo Tech Racing Lower Engine Mount Now Shipping Many Pics
Friday, July 20, 2007 8:48 AM
Aaron, any chance on a GP in the next couple weeks?

Re: Turbo Tech Racing Lower Engine Mount Now Shipping Many Pics
Friday, July 20, 2007 9:30 AM
^^ There is no scheduled GP on these for some time, as they are more expensive to manufacture than we though, if anything this would be a GP Price as the price looks like it will be going up.


Performance Parts For Cavalier, Sunfire, Cobalts and More!!!
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