so i've been searching for a real answer to what i need but i havn't found a good post with a how to on the swap. i need the bare min for this swap. i have 2 cars a 97 auto cav and a 2003 5spd cav. im not looking for a "streetable" car as much as i am just a car that is able to go on the street. therefore i have no need for extras. including power steering, ac, heat, emmisions, or anything else that isn't vital to a just over track car. i am mainly interrested in knowing if i should go full standalone or use stock ecu also if i need the 03 gauges or if the 97 will work. so if someone who has done the swap could give me some answers that would be great. thanks
You have not searched. This has been posted on this site a few times. I have done this swap a couple times. Since you have both cars it will be easy for you, but some time to swap things.
FU Tuning