my 2.4 is still over heating - Performance Forum

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my 2.4 is still over heating
Monday, July 09, 2007 3:55 PM
i put in a new 180 temp tstat and the car still heats up too around 205 to 215 and i dont know why changed all the coolant . ? need some help.

Re: my 2.4 is still over heating
Monday, July 09, 2007 3:57 PM
humblenewbie wrote:i put in a new 180 temp tstat and the car still heats up too around 205 to 215 and i dont know why changed all the coolant . ? need some help.

That is about normal. The fan does not come on until 212. Is the cooling fan working?

FU Tuning

Re: my 2.4 is still over heating
Monday, July 09, 2007 4:02 PM
Good thing there is a GP on a larger radiator going on now that only needs two more people
Re: my 2.4 is still over heating
Monday, July 09, 2007 4:06 PM
yeah the fan is working . the radiator sounds nice to but i need more performance right now. think a oil cooler would help out in the heating up since that runs in the lower engine mainly?

Re: my 2.4 is still over heating
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 12:36 AM
I dont think an oil cooler is going to help youre coolant temp to drop, Could have a plug core chanel is youre rad, Water pump could be acting up, I would recommend getting youre whole cooling system flushed, That will narrow down youre troubles. But blockage usually causes the overheating problems.

Good Luck.
Re: my 2.4 is still over heating
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 4:14 AM
humblenewbie wrote:yeah the fan is working . the radiator sounds nice to but i need more performance right now. think a oil cooler would help out in the heating up since that runs in the lower engine mainly?

When the fan comes on does the temp drop any?

FU Tuning

Re: my 2.4 is still over heating
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 1:41 PM
its stays right around the first ans=d second line after 195.

Re: my 2.4 is still over heating
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 2:40 PM
if it never gets into the red u should be fine. its summer the car gets hot esp in traffic or at idle, temp goes up, fan kicks in and it should start to drop, fan turns off, and it will repeat. unless something else is happening ur fine

Re: my 2.4 is still over heating
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 3:19 PM
right around the 195 mark on the gauge is about right for a 180/185 t-stat , which is the stock temp for the t-stat

run water through a garden hose through the engine side of the radiator , that will push any debris back out the way it went in and make sure its clear and can do its job

also the radiator you have might be internally clogged , same with the heater core

the cap can be bad

also this thread isnt a perfomance issue , since this is for going faster , you want the maintenance forum

Re: my 2.4 is still over heating
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 6:54 PM
Sounds like your car is fine.

FU Tuning

Re: my 2.4 is still over heating
Wednesday, July 11, 2007 3:20 AM
Changing the thermostat isnt going to fix that temp. It's programmed that way stock for a 195 degree thermostat. So it's gonna go up to about 210-212 degrees and turn on the cooling fan, then cool it down to around 195, and shut off. What you would need is HPTuners or something to change the temps that your fan turns on. Say maybe 200 then turn off at 185.

My GTP does this same thing with a 180* t-stat, because it's on stock PCM programming. Driving down the road it'll stay cooler.

Your car is just acting normal.

Re: my 2.4 is still over heating
Wednesday, July 11, 2007 5:11 AM
SHOoff wrote:Changing the thermostat isnt going to fix that temp. It's programmed that way stock for a 195 degree thermostat. So it's gonna go up to about 210-212 degrees and turn on the cooling fan, then cool it down to around 195, and shut off. What you would need is HPTuners or something to change the temps that your fan turns on. Say maybe 200 then turn off at 185.

My GTP does this same thing with a 180* t-stat, because it's on stock PCM programming. Driving down the road it'll stay cooler.

Your car is just acting normal.

I have heard people saying this alot lately (use HPT to adjust when the fan comes on). The thing is the car was designed (not programed) to run at 195. Even lowering the cooling fan temps the car is still going to want to run at 195. This means the fan will run much long (A LOT) which over some time will kill the fan motor. Now if you dropped in a 160 degree thermostat and lower the cooling fan temps (some) it might not be to bad.

FU Tuning

Re: my 2.4 is still over heating
Wednesday, July 11, 2007 2:11 PM
mmm i i didnt look hard for a cooler tstat but it all sounds good that is all i have to know thanks guys..

Re: my 2.4 is still over heating
Wednesday, July 11, 2007 11:27 PM
the car will never run cooler the design of the cooling system is to run at that 195 even with a diff t-stat it wont change how hot it runs thats how the design and heat dissipation is, try running the car without a t-stat in it, its gonna take forever for it to heat up but its gonna stay at around 195 all the time after its up to operating temp. id guess the only way to change the temp would be to buy the griffin rads. in the gp right now because they have more capacity and a better cooling efficiency

also lowering the fan temps with hpt is just to help the car not heat up too high, i lowered mine to turn on at 211 and off at 200 whereas the stock pcm would turn on at 223 and off at 218, itd be a bad idea to set it way low to try and go below 195 the fan would be consistently on and wear out as stated a few posts above

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