Ok I bought a forged Eagle crank, it came, the part number on the box was right, I open it up and its all wrapped up in plastic. Without actually removing it from the plastic and just quickly checking it over I didn't see a reluctor ring on the crank. So I thought it was mispackaged. Today I actually removed it from the plastic and much to my surprise it is the "right" crank. When I quickly checked it out I didn't see a reluctor ring, I was expecting to, it turns ou it doesn't have a "ring" instead the last counterweight on the flywheel side goes all the way around the crank, not just offset of the rod journal and there are notches machined into that, there is no actual ring though. That just seemed really odd to me, if thats the way its surposed to be then fine all is well, typically the crankshafts I've personally had in my hands have been V8 cranks or VW cranks and I've never seen that kinda design before. So i was hoping someone could provide me with some pics of a stock crank / KNOWN good crank just to verify that this is the right setup. I was just really shocked when I saw how the do it.
its prob something eagle did to make things easier for them
Darkstars I just got the same crank and rod combo as you have. The UPS man just left about half an hour ago.I had the boxes open 15 seconds after he left my front door.

The crankshafts we have are correct for our engines. The timing ring is cast into the last throw of the crankshaft. The part # for this crank is 2237245765R if any one else is wondering. There is a crankshaft with out the timing ring also.Same part number except there is no (R) at the end. Darkstars what pistons are you going to use? Any one know what the stock Ecotec 2.2 connecting rods and pistons weigh.

Thats Him Officer The WICKED One.
For the bottom end I bought Eagle forged crank, Eagle forged rods, Wiseco stock bore 10:1 forged pistons, GMPP neutral balance shafts, GMPP hardened oil pump gears and ARP head studs, and its all going into a 6,000 mile spare motor.
still waiting on mine.. i'm jealous
hope this helps...
straight from the orange bible
Hey see that O-Ring? make sure you install that BEFORE you put the car all back together and fire it up for the first time. If you dont you have new oil all over the floor comming out of the clutch hole in the tranny, i know it just happened last Friday, pulled the tranny and tapped in the o-ring and reinstalled tranny in about 2.5 hours ! ! ! ! then off to the dyno

I have some results PM me i might tell
Overall Best times
60' - 1.857* (6/24/07)-(Drag Radials 205-50-15)
330' - 5.552* (6/24/07)
1/8 - 8.702* (6/24/07)
M.P.H.- 79.49 (6/17/07)
1000' - 11.388* (6/24/07)
1/4 - 13.671* (6/24/07)
M.P.H.- 100.79* (6/17/07)
Great Lakes Dragaway (6/24/07 Import Wars #3)
* - First run on the day set NEW all motor record
next run backed up record by 1% (slip in profile)
* 160.9whp @ 6394rpm *
Website: www.benwenzeljr.com