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I know I could get a cold air intake and full exhaust, the exhaust I'm not worried about, its the cold air intake, I have a 2002 cavalier with the 2.2 Liter NON ecotec!! Are there cold air intakes for that motor? by AEM or K&N, or any company for that matter. I don't want an intake that sits where my stock airbox does, I want a cold air one that goes into the wheel well. Can anyone help me? I just want to to do the air intake and exhaust for starters.
whatever it is you can find it on ebay
find one on ebay. they are all the same

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
ebay filters suck for those ebay intakes you can get one but put a good universal k&n filter cone on it. Also with a cold air intake there are risks involved, such as hydrolock for when the filter sucks up water. Think about buying a AEM bypass valve and splicing it into the intake pipe for your engines safety
Ebay for sure and just dont run in to any free standing water!!
Unless you go fishing with your car, the bypass is a waste of money. It needs ALOT of water to hydrolock and engine. Not the usual pot hole. It's more like diving in a lake.
2.3 Ho
wow you really dont know what ur talking about do u?
I am pretty sure Induction Dynamics makes on for the 2200, I know they make one for the Eco and the 2.4. check their site
http://www.induction-dynamics.com...I have one on my car, I love it, K&N filter, and all, ceramic coated, looks great. HOWEVER, it was $330, and now when I look back on it, it was NOT worth it. I am wishing I had of bought a cheap $30 intake off ebay, and put a K&N filter on it.
frew that was a nice write-up you found. definatly interesting to see that even when the nsx hit vtec the water still didnt go any further up the pipe alowing it to get into the engine. chad if your gonna go with a cold air. definatly do that bypass valve save your motor and only spend a few extra bucks
i've ran a cone K&N filter in my off roader for years, if you keep it oiled with the K&N oil you shouldn't have any problems (but it can happen). I have only sucked water in twice and it was 4' deep. No hydrolock, just needed the fluids changed 4 times.
frew wrote:http://www.sportcompactcarweb.com/tech/0104scc_aem_air_bypass_valve/index.html
The best part about this is that they did it in an NSX. If you are dumb enough to take that kind of vehicle out after/while it was pouring and flooding, you deserve to hydrolock your motor.
"Youth in Asia"...I don't see anything wrong with that.
HAHAHA I don't know what I'm talking about. Yeah right. That's just like saying Protomec don't know how to build engine.
Go on Frew and pay alot of money for a freakin piece of pipe that only make sound. Sorry but if you are dumb enough to think that you need the bypass, I'll laugh at you all the time. Give me any link you want on the web. A link on the web is about as good as a politician promess.
I can build a site saying that maximumboost.com has the best turbo kit and people would believe it.
Like I said before, if you are dumb enough to drive in water over your filter, you are too dumb to drive your car.
2.3 Ho
well i guess you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink folks.
Ok try to think for 2 second stupid noob. The STOCK air intake take it's air where? In the fender. Do we have a stock bypass valve? No. Then we should all get one before we ALL hydrolock our engine when it's raining.
God I hate stupid noob. Following your dumb@ way of thinking, everybody with an intake in the fender will hydrolock.
It"s a waste of money unless you want to run your car in more than 6" of water witch would be stupid of you.
Before you TRY telling me that I don"t klnow sh**, start by learning who you are talking too and know what YOU are talking about. Since you are too stupid to understand, I"ll let you go with your stupidity and laugh at you with the dumb replys you're going to come out with and the replied I was in some post that were pretty much out of your @.
For the OP, Ebay intake, KN filter and forget about the rest. If you want to spend 20$ for a bypass, go for it but you could put that money to better use.
2.3 Ho
just to throw my opinion in the topic. I have a k&n filter,stock intake system and a full aftermarket exhaust, runs fine for me
I like your opinion alex, I have a K&N filter, stock intake and a V force muffler but eventually this summer I'm hoping to get a full cat back exhaust so I'll try that setup and see how I like it. Thanks for everyone's input.
we build performance engines, if interested.
I don't have money to have a performance engine built
RDfabs makes really nice cold air intakes for the 2.2L
yea from the interfender not by the wheel and it goes through a bunch of piping that acts like a catch much like under a sink. And did you even read the article? if it rains hard enough your intake can suck up watch meaning that you dont even have to drive through water. And that you only need a small amount of water for hydrolock as little as 5 percent of 2.0 liters for a 2.0 liter motor. See im tryin to help the people on these forums by giving them useful information all you want to do is get in fights about @!#$ you apparently know nothing about.
as said above induction dynamics makes a nice set-up. however, i know 2 people who have hydrolocked thier 2200's with it, so cutting it for an AEM bypass valve is highly reccomended, unless your in a very dry area.
as far as the stock intake goes, that mass of pipe and chambers in the fender before the airbox is designed to cause the engine to stall before it gets a chance to ingest the water and hydrolock.
it also acts as a resonator to reduce intake noise. as ugly and restrictive as it is, its a very well engineered for what it was intended to do.
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Thank you so much for the backup i heart you ronin j
frew and roninj are right. have you ever torn one of those stock air boxes apart. there is so many chambers in there it cant get water to the air filter. the bypass valve is a GREAT investment if you want to save your motor and run a cai.
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