Installing header tomorow - Performance Forum

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Installing header tomorow
Tuesday, March 20, 2007 6:44 PM
Well tomorow Im gonna install my ceramic pacesetter header and magnaflow 94035 cat on my 01 2.4 tomorow. Is there any tips or suggestions to make everything easier? Im new to the qaud 4 but not to engines. Im gonna do the install and clamp it then drive a few blocks to a local shop to get it welded up.

Does anyone ever have any problems removing the studs, like them breaking off in the head or anything? I plan to soak them with pb blaster beforehand. Also is it possible to remove the manifold and stock dowpipe before cutting it? I think that way I could measure it and all so I dont cut too short or anything. Lastly, should I rent an o2 socket or does a regular wrench work ok?

Sorry for the dumb questions it just seems like things always find a way to go wrong somehow and I wana be prepared lol.

Re: Installing header tomorow
Tuesday, March 20, 2007 7:17 PM
The install takes a little time to do but isnt that hard

To remove my stock manifold and downpipe i cut it under the car, i had a hard time to unbolt the manifold from the stock downpipe

Some of the Nuts/bolts are hard to get at, especially the one near the water pump

Just takes alot of time

Make sure you get a new gasket and don't use the paper one supplied

My o2 Sensor came out no problem with a regular wrench also

Re: Installing header tomorow
Tuesday, March 20, 2007 7:33 PM
Yea I figure it'll take about 3 hrs, but Ive got plenty of time. Ive also got plenty of tools like swivel sockets and all that realy help get to pita spots.

I guess Ill cut it a little before the cat, then unbolt the cat at the flange and cut it again.

Thanks for the info. Ill try to post up some pics after everythings done. Cant wait to get it on

Re: Installing header tomorow
Wednesday, March 21, 2007 12:13 AM
You got two pipes sitting by the header one is for the coolant and one is for the dip stick, the coolant one u can move around but the one for dip stick be very carefull because if u move it to much it will snap. Try to get the bolts off where the down pipe and header meet it's lot easier than cutting it. And it will take more than 3 hours, remove your cruise control box and pull the stock header from the top u won't be able to get it out from underneath the car. If u need any help let me know.
Good Luck
Re: Installing header tomorow
Wednesday, March 21, 2007 3:59 AM
Air tools help and have fun getting the Cat bolts off, i have a 2000 and we had to drill em out. The bolts holding the downpipe to the header came off pretty easy. It just easier to take the dipstick out, it gets in the way. It would also prolly make it easier by removing the coolant hose.....but def not needed. 3 hours is a good estimate. Do u have air tools?

Re: Installing header tomorow
Wednesday, March 21, 2007 5:49 AM
I have a cordless impact,but its not a small one that would be able to fit back there. And the cat flange is not a problem now, put on a pacesetter catback last week so theres new bolts and nuts; I tried using special sockets for stripped bolts but had to grind and drill them out.

I soaked the bolts with wd40 last night, gona go get some pb blaster and i have to go to home depot to get another dowpipe-header bolt, cause I lost one of one damnit, lol.

Anyone know what size wrench the o2 is? I lost some of my larger size wrenches so I wana make sure I have one big enough.

Re: Installing header tomorow
Wednesday, March 21, 2007 12:52 PM
Umm not 100% but i think its 15mm

Re: Installing header tomorow
Wednesday, March 21, 2007 1:24 PM
Well of course I didnt get to do it today cause its been raining off and on, and Im starting to get strep throat

Hopefully Ill be able to get it done tomorow. I have the worst luck lol

Re: Installing header tomorow
Wednesday, March 21, 2007 7:10 PM
I just went out and took off the heat sheild so i could soak all the manifold bolts with pb, took me about 30 seconds lol. I dont think it will be that hard to get the downpipe off the stock manifold, I soaked those bolts as well to make it easier. I might have to unbolt the downpipe cause I might not have access to a sawzall tomorow, but Ill get it done tomorow no matter what. I cant wait to get it on!

Anyone dyno or track tested a 4-1 header and high flow cat on the 2.4???

Re: Installing header tomorow
Wednesday, March 21, 2007 7:58 PM
you might gain 2-4hp

I want to share something with you - the three sentences that will get you through life. Number one, 'cover for me', Number two, 'oh, good idea, boss', Number three, 'it was like that when I got here.'
Re: Installing header tomorow
Thursday, March 22, 2007 4:09 PM
Today has been hell day... Everything was going good then I went to cut my stock downpipe but my sawzall died, and I broke 2 hacksaw blades. Then I finally got that off, and couldnt so I had to get the last downpipe bolt out which was a pita, then I had to remove so much @!#$ to get the manifold out. Finally got the header in, and tried to hook up the downpipe but one of the bolts is hitting the chassis underneath and its impossible to hold all the washers and @!#$ up on there. Also, my o2 sensor wire isnt long enough so I have to get some wire and crimp it I guess.

Gona have to do something about my o2 wire and hang my catback up somehow, then drive open header to the local shop and just have them deal with the downpipe and weld up my cat. Anyone else have this much trouble?

Re: Installing header tomorow
Friday, March 23, 2007 12:18 PM
Well its all welded up, raspy as hell lol with the pacesetter catback; but hopefully Ill have a dynomax st to quiet it down soon.

Was gona cut and crimp some wire on the o2 to extend it, but the damn clip melted onto the header since I didnt zip tie it up or something. Oh well, gona go to the junkyard tomorow to get another clip and use some wire to extend it. Anyone know if i can use an o2 sensor clip from any quad 4 or other cars?

Re: Installing header tomorow
Friday, March 23, 2007 12:38 PM
Yeah putting a header on is a @!#$ty job!! haha And the washers and the bolts to hold the down pipe on are a bitch, if u get longer bolts its easy.

Re: Installing header tomorow
Friday, March 23, 2007 12:51 PM
Yea I just had the shop do the downpipe cause it was a real pita trying to hold everything up and tighten it, then the bolt was hitting the chassis.

All together it was $115 to hook up the dowpipe and weld in a cat, which is kinda high but idc since that and the price of my ceramic header was cheaper than one from a store.

Re: Installing header tomorow
Saturday, March 24, 2007 7:15 AM
WOW im paying 125 for a shop to put 2.5 from the header downpipe back, with a resonator and muffler welded in!!!
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