Does the 96 2.2 liter have a rev limiter in the computer?
Better beleive it

In the planning stage for an all American TRD Cavalier.
the only way to safely get higher reving would be to start balancing internal parts like your crankshaft less rotational mass higher rev limit.
Is there a way to remove it without any ecu tuning?
frew wrote:the only way to safely get higher reving would be to start balancing internal parts like your crankshaft less rotational mass higher rev limit.
Your joking right? The rev limiter is in the ECU.

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
when something is compltely controlled by the computer you need to mod the computer to change it
Actually the only way to get a cavalier to rev faster than 6250 is to add Vtec, to do that you have to swap out your computer because the stock cavalier computer does not have parameters to program in Vtec.
ohhh lol

maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow....... but some day

i may just be shooting myself in the foot here but,........... did he just say vtec?!?!?!? ok i'll make it simple for ya. stop beatin off to honda monthly, put down the crack pipe and come back to reality. vtec is a honda thing. point blank period, end of descussion. now before you increase your rev limit, you need to change out your internals especially your valves, valve springs, retainers and cams. those 4 upgrades are what allow for the greatest gain in your limit, simply because the stock valve springs dont allow the valves to close fast enough after 6500 RPM for the engine to operate properly. now that thats out of the way the only real safe way once you've done that is to get the hp tuners software and reflash your comp(im pretty sure thats the proper term) correct me if im wrong. but no matter what you do, DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT try and swap your ecu for a honda ecu. 1. b/c thats just stupid to begin with and 2. b/c like i said vtec has nothing to do with the rev limit and it is a HONDA THING!!!!!
now kiddies time for your math lesson
VTEC + CAV = dead cav, sad owner
VTEC + HONDA = slightly faster, yet still very sad honda
Class Dismissed
many changes in the making
my favorite part about doing bodywork,.......... bondo bugers
Thanks for the info
the cav in question is a oval track car its street days are long gone.
Jimmy Z as are my impressing girls at stop lights
John VanCuran wrote:
i may just be shooting myself in the foot here but,........... did he just say vtec?!?!?!? ok i'll make it simple for ya. stop beatin off to honda monthly, put down the crack pipe and come back to reality. vtec is a honda thing. point blank period, end of descussion. now before you increase your rev limit, you need to change out your internals especially your valves, valve springs, retainers and cams. those 4 upgrades are what allow for the greatest gain in your limit, simply because the stock valve springs dont allow the valves to close fast enough after 6500 RPM for the engine to operate properly. now that thats out of the way the only real safe way once you've done that is to get the hp tuners software and reflash your comp(im pretty sure thats the proper term) correct me if im wrong. but no matter what you do, DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT try and swap your ecu for a honda ecu. 1. b/c thats just stupid to begin with and 2. b/c like i said vtec has nothing to do with the rev limit and it is a HONDA THING!!!!!
now kiddies time for your math lesson
VTEC + CAV = dead cav, sad owner
VTEC + HONDA = slightly faster, yet still very sad honda
Class Dismissed
your right and wrong.
atleast with the older vtec system, it was a solenoid that opened up at a certain rpm. i believe the i-vtec system gets rid of the solenoid, though im not 100% on that.
vtec is just a varriable cam thing. they are not the only manufacturer to use a varriable cam, but from my understanding they are the first. vtec works simply by a solenoid activating and allowing the intake and exhaust valves to open up more during exceleration in the higher rpms.
if the easiest way to increase a cars performance is to allow it to breath better, then increasing the flow of the intake air and exhaust gases is a good advantage. this is the same principle that adding an aftermarket intake and exhaust work on.
allowing the engine to breath too much though, especially at lower rpms, is not a good thing. there is a limit to the madness. basically, hondas are higher end power makers. they dont make alot of low end torque, but they need that little bit they make to propel them forward in the rpm band enough to activate the vtec at a useable point that benefits the car.
now if vtec is such a great advantage, why dont hondas use it at a lower point in the rpm band? hondas need a certain amount of air flowing through them first or they would pretty much bog out.
for a good explanation of this and why certain flow of exhaust and intake gases are needed at certain points, visit this thread.
now if you mod a honda and allow it to increase its lower end torque, if your vtec is still kicking in at the same position, then there maybe be a fewhundered or even thousand rpm where there the engine isnt working at its full potential. now if you can make the vtec kick in at that point lower in the rpm band that allows the engine to meet its full potential, then your gravey! vtec timers allow you to adjst the vtec kick in position. so you can now make the vtec start up at the point where your engine (in its normal, non vtec mode) has reached its maximum potential for power. allow the vtec to kick in at that point, and you have now created a more efficient engine that is making more useful power.
my best buddy is a honda guy at heart. him and his family have owned a few ( and also a few GMs too). one of his friends has (or had) a pretty tuned out civic with either a GSR or type-r integra engine in it. now he was trying to tell me that his honda (and pretty much all hondas) made more power, no matter what, in their vtec stage. of course he didnt believe me when i told him he was wrong, because he was the honda guy and i just drove a GM. he didnt earn the power on his honda, but he paid some one else to build the thing for him ( with his daddies money from what ive been told).
i told him, if vtec is so great and powerful, it would kick in right after the engine reached a little higher than idle speed. that shut him up for a second or 2, then he went right back to telling my i was wrong.
so if this helps explain anything, then good. if it doesnt, then do your own research if you care about it all that much. if im wrong, then ahwell, im not expecting to be 100% accurate on this. after all, im just a GM driver, what do i know about Hondas...

Injection is nice but id rather be BLOWN!
Whoa...I learned something. Thanks for the info.
John VanCuran wrote:
i may just be shooting myself in the foot here but,........... did he just say vtec?!?!?!? ok i'll make it simple for ya. stop beatin off to honda monthly, put down the crack pipe and come back to reality. vtec is a honda thing. point blank period, end of descussion. now before you increase your rev limit, you need to change out your internals especially your valves, valve springs, retainers and cams. those 4 upgrades are what allow for the greatest gain in your limit, simply because the stock valve springs dont allow the valves to close fast enough after 6500 RPM for the engine to operate properly. now that thats out of the way the only real safe way once you've done that is to get the hp tuners software and reflash your comp(im pretty sure thats the proper term) correct me if im wrong. but no matter what you do, DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT try and swap your ecu for a honda ecu. 1. b/c thats just stupid to begin with and 2. b/c like i said vtec has nothing to do with the rev limit and it is a HONDA THING!!!!!
now kiddies time for your math lesson
VTEC + CAV = dead cav, sad owner
VTEC + HONDA = slightly faster, yet still very sad honda
Class Dismissed
sense of humor is lost on you, aint it??

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
BlackEco wrote:Actually the only way to get a cavalier to rev faster than 6250 is to add Vtec, to do that you have to swap out your computer because the stock cavalier computer does not have parameters to program in Vtec.
eco TEC = v TEC right?
wonder if the tuning Brian did for me added Vtec.
i wonder if my GTZ with the LG0 has Vtec, shure as hell sounds like it.
no, "V-TEC" is not a "program" but a computer controls the oil valve for it.
'02 Z-24 Supercharged
13.7 @102.45 MPH Third Place, 2007 GMSC Bash SOLD AS OF 01MAR08
Every Ecotec has GMs version of "vtec" you just have to enable it with a computer. Thats what HPtuners allows you to do, GM did not ship cars with it enabled because it was not CARB certified, Newer Ecotecs are shipping with it enabled thus "VVT" Believe me if you have it enabled you will know because after you hit 6250 rpm it just starts pullin and doesnt stop until around 10 grand.
Taetsch Z24 wrote:BlackEco wrote:Actually the only way to get a cavalier to rev faster than 6250 is to add Vtec, to do that you have to swap out your computer because the stock cavalier computer does not have parameters to program in Vtec.
eco TEC = v TEC right?
wonder if the tuning Brian did for me added Vtec.
i wonder if my GTZ with the LG0 has Vtec, shure as hell sounds like it.
no, "V-TEC" is not a "program" but a computer controls the oil valve for it.
Thats it, i wanted to say it in my first post, but dident,
Your Dumb.
GOOGLE is YOUR friend, go look up V-TEC, and LEARN.
'02 Z-24 Supercharged
13.7 @102.45 MPH Third Place, 2007 GMSC Bash SOLD AS OF 01MAR08
Some friendly advice Black Eco, you may want to do some homework on how valvetrains work before posting more on this subject. The only Ecotec GM has with VVT (variable valve timing) is the newer 2.4L Ecotec (not in Cavs). If you want some info on your engine and the other Eco variants try this...
Your 2.2 Eco has absolutely nothing to do with VTEC or i-VTEC or VVT. The only thing that even have remotely in common is the "tec" part of the name. And yes, maybe GM did that to make people have the false Honduh connection in there.
"If you aren't shifting, then you certainly aren't driving!"
Don't try to tell me what and how my motor works, if you don't believe me I have the dyno to prove it.
silvercav02 wrote:Some friendly advice Black Eco, you may want to do some homework on how valvetrains work before posting more on this subject. The only Ecotec GM has with VVT (variable valve timing) is the newer 2.4L Ecotec (not in Cavs). If you want some info on your engine and the other Eco variants try this...
Your 2.2 Eco has absolutely nothing to do with VTEC or i-VTEC or VVT. The only thing that even have remotely in common is the "tec" part of the name. And yes, maybe GM did that to make people have the false Honduh connection in there.
uhh, guys, SARCASM OWNS YOU!
And blackeco, if you're serious sell your car. Now. Or crush it. Or sell it crushed.
1971 camaro 427 --- here!

Stock... and loving every minute of it.
Oh yea I added V-tec to my 2.8 fiero and it now runs 14.2 in the 1/4. With the help of hptuners it was a easy swap. You guys should really look into adding it to your cavys. If you dont, you will never hang with the big dogs.
Here for everyone that doubted me, is the proof, just because you dont have the numbers I do after Vtec swap doesn't mean you have to be a hater!