I think this may have been covered at some point in the past but I can't find it. Basically, I want to know if I can change the lifters (hydraulic roller) in an LN2 without having to pull and regrind or replace the original cam. I've heard you can and I've also heard you can't. What's the story on this one?
It is a general rule of thumb, that when u replace one or the other, they both need to be replaced, or the cam reground, because they develope a groove that they both share, but how many of us here do it? Not me.
And you've done this without any issues? I'm stuck with this car for at least a little while so I'm going to go ahead and finish what I started with hths build I think. I've got everythign to do a full top-end rebuild but I don't have a cam, nor do I want to pull the motor to replace it or have it reground. And the lifters need replaced, so I figured what the hey. So there shouldn't be any problems?
You can change the lifters on a
flat tappet cam, but it is not recomended. You can change the lifters on a
roller lifter cam without any problems. A flat tappet cam "mates" to the lobes of the camshaft, while a roller only rolls over the lobe.
MadJack wrote:You can change the lifters on a flat tappet cam, but it is not recomended. You can change the lifters on a roller lifter cam without any problems. A flat tappet cam "mates" to the lobes of the camshaft, while a roller only rolls over the lobe.
The great one has spoken, and it is so. Thanks, Jack!
never had problems on either type of cam.