well something wrong with my z24. a few weeks ago i started noticing a pinging noise under the hood... i didnt think much about it but last week while i was driving i was going down a hill, when i heard a few loud click and then the motor bogged, and black smoke blew out of the exhaust... so i pulled over at the nearest gas station and called my friend, i noticed that all the oil was gone out of it and it was running what looked like down the oil pan...... any clue on what i should look for... we plan on pulling the motor tonight in a relatives barn, none of us have garages, so anyway we can pin point this?
i can think of quite a few but none of them good. Just wait for a better qualifed person to diagnose your issue, i dont want to give you wrong or misleading answer.
give people more than 2 hours to answer your question. most people on this site are at work or school/college in the early afternoon
but im not sure either what the problem could be
Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!