I may be getting an extra one to get it polished and have my mechanic swap them out when its done.
Is this a difficult job? I don't really have any experience with this sort of thing and wanted to know before approaching him with a trade. (Me and him trade out signs and stuff in exchange for doing things to my engine)
its not hard at all. just a few fuel lines and then pop off the injectors. its quite easy.
OK cool - thanks!
I assume he will know how to depressurize the fuel system first...
Easy as hell. You need a couple wrenches, and that's about it. Just make sure to get all O rings back in place when you do the swap. There are two in the feed line... I missed one when I did mine. You could polish it yourself easily enough too. I did mine by hand.
Sask GM Performance (formerly SaskJbody) president
yes its very very very simple. takes literally maybe 10 minuetts