Well, I am putting a new motor in my car. I have had trouble finding a decent set of secret cams that are in good condition. I am considering buying a new exhaust cam from AutoZone since its only $120 and leave the stock intake cam in since its in perfect condition. The specs on the secret intake cam and stock intake cam are pretty close. Is it worth my time to find a secret intake cam in good condition? How much more power would there be with the intake cam also? Or will it not make that big of a difference? I am supercharged if that makes any difference. Thanks.

2010 Subaru Impreza WRX Limited
1999 Cavalier Z24 Supercharged
1999 Grand AM SE (Beater Car)
1997 GMC Sierra
2007 Honda CBR 600RR
2005 Honda TRX450R

2010 Subaru Impreza WRX Limited
1999 Cavalier Z24 Supercharged
1999 Grand AM SE (Beater Car)
1997 GMC Sierra
2007 Honda CBR 600RR
2005 Honda TRX450R
No, don't really need the intake cam but its nice to have.
You could probably get a set of cams from ebay or something for about the same price as the one exhaust cam.
Remember....syringes go in the RED waste basket.
Well, eBay is where I got the set of used cams I have now. But they aren't in the best condition. And the motor I am putting them in has only 14K on it. If it was an older engine, I wouldn't care.
So the intake cam isn't worth getting?

2010 Subaru Impreza WRX Limited
1999 Cavalier Z24 Supercharged
1999 Grand AM SE (Beater Car)
1997 GMC Sierra
2007 Honda CBR 600RR
2005 Honda TRX450R
Not if you wanna get all new stuff.
There is another set on ebay 200@ .375 intake and exhaust on ebay too.
I forget his name that's on the org here.
He grinds cams, is up in Canada and you could talk with him.
Otherwise I'd say save the money for other things.
Remember....syringes go in the RED waste basket.