Just got my converter replaced the other day, and first day I took it out, starter broke off the tranny and block housing. I take it to my work and fix the housing, get a new starter, and weld it back. 2 days of driving it's fine, on the way to work broke off again.
That is thick steel... how the fu(k does it just break off? Both times it broke was when I was braking. All you can hear is like a chain of metal dangling around in the engine bay until you stop the car or until it stops moving.
Tranny was put on by proffesionals, is it the new Torque Converter or what? What can make that much pressure to tear off the starter from the housing?
Have to buy new block, housing, starter, and most likely Torque Conver... again
Over tightening the starter bolts, not putting the rear brace in place and/or not properly shimming the starter, if needed. The aluminum flange that the starter mounts to, isn't as strong as a cast iron block. The 2.2L DOHC is the aluminum block Ecotec motor, not cast iron. I would say the shop might have failed to put the rear starter brace back in.
It's not easy to get a good weld on cast aluminum, it can be done, but there must be a V-grove along the break line and must be filled with sufficiant amount of rod material. Just surface welding will do no good.
MadJack: The Ecotec does not have a brace like the 2.2OHV does on the starter. Neither does the 2.4.
FU Tuning
W/o the brace, then the only thing is probably the shop over tightend it or a casting flaw.
That is unless he got the car airborne a few too many times? Then I think some other thing might break before the starter mount! j/k................. I hope!
new block and new trans case
dario wrote:So what not? It tore off the block and tranny housing.. twice. What do I do?
Get ahold of the shop that did your converter. And start throwing a huge fit. I'm going to x2 on the whole overtorqued on aluminum deal.
yup, this is what happened when we re-did a friends clutch/fly! Hard lesson to learn, but luckily just the tranny case had to be replaced. Went to a junk yard and swapped her out, and re installed the clutch and fly and used the TQ specifications listed in their chiltons? Or similar manual!
N2O + Bolt-ons
= 220Hp/
Coming Soon:HpTunersPro, EagleConnectingRods, WiescoPistons, 13sec2200
And do yourself a favor, any time you put a steel bolt into aluminum, use anti-seize. It saves allot of heartache(and snapped bolts,stripped threads, etc...)
Nevermind thought about.. if I replace the parts that broke, they are just going to break again. I spent $200 for a new starter that lasted me 2 days. And I just got this car a year ago, not even done paying it off. I guess put my old converter in..
I really doubt the converter had anything to do with the starter breaking off.
did the car start funny after the tq converter was installed ?
something had to have been wrong from the install
What is being welded? isn't it all bolt on?
It was bolt on until the parts tore off.. the only way they can tear off is when the steel/metal/cast aluminum breaks. We bought a new starter and welded the housing back together. Same problem again. Don't know how it broke, don't know what to do. 33xxx miles on it too, can't throw it away yet.