What kind of gains do these have and where are some good none pricey ones. also i did do a search and didn't find what i was looking for
There really aren't any "gains" per say. It basically keeps your motor still instead of jumping around like it would normally do when driving. Doing this will result in slightly better throttle response. It's nothing major but every little modification helps.
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
It's def worth it especially if you push your car hard because you will break the stock ones most likely eventually. I had a 98 sunfire gt and I busted to top one and so i put the insert thing in and it was great i later bought the bottom one. It helped quite a bit If you think of the transfer of energy instead of the motor jumping in your engine bay it will transfer the energy to the ground and you will launch better and feel more torque through out the power band
darkblade j
I got mine from carcustoms.net. I think they cost $65.00. Not a bad price at all, and I got them with in a couple days.
Car customs has a gp on right now. They are definately worth it!
Get both upper and lower.