I just got a used pacesetterheader and the guy befor eme got engine degreaser on it so it has dulled and has spots n it..is there anyways i can polish it back up to shine or does it lose its sine anyways afeter a bit???thanks alot.phil
Is it on the outside of the header or inside the flange?
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
its all the outside of the tubing....the flange is acually nice and shiney and so ids the down pipe.just the header part its self..phil
Philly D wrote:its all the outside of the tubing....the flange is acually nice and shiney and so ids the down pipe.just the header part its self..phil
I wouldn't worry about it, it will probably burn off when you start driving around with it.
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
no he was drivinf around with it..ill post pic and show you what i mean..but is it normal for it to be dull after a bit??
Philly D wrote:no he was drivinf around with it..ill post pic and show you what i mean..but is it normal for it to be dull after a bit??
Is it a black header or ceramic coated?
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
Philly D wrote:ceramic coated..
Maybe...chrome polish or something...
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
it is normal for it to dull to more of a grey than a polished aluminum look
you can buff the surface out , i forget what was needed , but do not use anything with that is very rough , like sand paper