okey, i've looked everywhere for a header for a 98 cavalier 2200 engine, and the ports all look like they dont match up right at all, and look like the match up perfect for the 95-97 2.2L engine. So where has anyone gotten a 98 2200 header from and did it match up right?
the ports on the 98-02 head are smaller than the ports on the 95-97
pacesetters port fits both heads
i have 01 2200...used the OBX 4-2-1 header...no problems
I have an 01 2200 and went with the pacesetter ceremic header, fits great and couldnt be happier, I wouldnt reccomend using the gasket they give you, get one from your local chevy dealer.
do any of you have a picture of you 2200 header? If so post it so i can see if the one i'm lookin at will work!
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