I know from reading recent posts that there is a difference in the Intake Air Veloctity for WAI vs CAI [because of tube length and bends ~ search if you wanna know more]. To go even farther, there's a difference (in air velocity) between putting an air filter right on your TB vs a WAI.
Right now I have a WAI on my 2.2L ECOTEC and I want to increase my intake air velocity. I was wondering if cutting the intake tube before the first bend (TB end) will accomplish this? I was also thinking that this air might be a little cooler (and I do mean little... as in trivial gains) since the filter will sit in front of the engine and have fresh outside air flowing directly on it, rather than tucked behind the battery towards the back of the engine compartment.
Does anyone think this setup will be enough to feel a difference, or is my understanding of intake air velocity over-exaggerated? Also, with the air filter sitting that close to the front, will drving on a rainy day be dangerous?
it's not going to make that much of a difference, you might as well leave it where it is.
I was a retard, and now I'm permanently banned.
Eleminating any bends in the pipe pathis unulaly a good thing in terms of freeing up velocity bottlenecks.
But the intakes systems that are out are find the way they are.
No use killing yourself over a few bends/ filter locations unless you plan on biger things with the car.
Keep the filter clean and you'll be fine.
Remember....syringes go in the RED waste basket.
The amount you actually gain in hp with the cold and warm air intakes is soo small that you might as well just get what ever you want/can afford... the major difference i have found between them is just sound.. All i did was got my self a K&N filter, 10inch tube and a rubber fitting and i have the intake droping straight down from the throttle body and the filter sits behind the front bumper (i got the GM supercharger so my throttle body is in a different location) but my point is my intake cost me $60 cdn and still has a K&N filter on it and it seems to work just as good as the Induction Dynamics Intake that cost like $320. Could have made it for $30 but thats when i just had the Filter right on the throttle body....
you also have to factor in resonance as well.
i;ve tried the TB/filter deal, and i had one intake that was like 6 inches of pipe to a filter...and it just seemed to have no punch down low.
might have given a higher hp number, but if you loose too much down low, whatever you gain up top you have to make up from being slow off the line.
hey if you have the RKSport WAI I custom fit mine to a CAI. All you need to do is cut off the bracket that goes to the powersteering resiviour bolt and run the tube straight down infront of the radiator. Then remove your windshild washer tank. Get a 2-3" long peice of intake tube and a coupler to get the filter over far enough. I did this. It didnt make a difference you could feel but it did shave a few tenths off my 1/4 mile times. Another reason i did this is because my aftermarket header put alot more heat in the engine bay and i wanted to get the air intake away from this. One of these days im gonna take some pics and post a write up on how to do it. if you want some pics sooner though just let me know. Hope this helps
My Sig Was To Big