I'm looking to put a new air filter in my car, and I was wondering which of these people recommend. I know K&N has a distinguished career in the aftermarket car performance industry, but someone at the parts store suggested I try the Fram filter, as it's fairly new and supposedly better than any K&N he stocks.
I'm just looking for opinions, no flames!
but fram makes a new "airhog" filter that is pretty much the same thing
a reusable cotton guage filter
I've always had breakdown issues with frams in the past. K&N isn't cheap but the filters last forever.
k&n for sure
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
I dont think any Js have a MAF sensor but when your working with cars that do, you need to becareful with K&N and other reoilable filters. If you over oil the filter the oil can cause your MAF sensor to act irradic and it can permantly damage it as well, just be carfull when cleaning it.
<img src="http://geocities.com/jimmythekid1/gecat2.gif">
tow dollars more than air hog and a whole lot better construction
I'll have a sig someday....................