I am not sure which pulley to get, I know I will get the crank and the alternator but dont know which one to get. Who makes the Unorthodox and where do I get it? Also should I get AEM or RSM? And is there a deal anywhere if I get both at once?
http://members.cardomain.com/vertz24 1998 Z24 Convertible
I use the unorthodox crank and AEM alternator pulley, love the combo and it uses the stock size belt which is a plus. I`m pretty sure Karo sells both the pullies also check ebay, I got a really good deal on my unorthodox pulley and the AEM ones are always on ebay too.
<br><img src="http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/8/web/728000-728999/728095_1.jpg">
Yes officer I knew the speed limit was 50
yea check ebay for the pullies. if you can't get them off ebay, nopi always has a good price on them
I was a retard, and now I'm permanently banned.