has any one else run into a problem with this gauge. i wired it up the way the directions said and it doesnt work. also when i was checking to see which wire was the signal i didnt get a reading on my volt meter and with the o2 unplugged it didnt throw a light on when running. any ideas? also i spliced it into what should be the signal wire. the black wire on the upstream o2. at least every other o2 i changed the black is the signal. any pointers would help. thanks
yea you tap into the ecu side of the clip so you don't have to resplice anything whenever you change your sensor in the future. mine works just fine. which brand of a/f ratio gauge did you purchase?
I was a retard, and now I'm permanently banned.
I am going to attempt installing my A/F gauge in a few days, i just have a few questions for the people who know, where is the purple wire to hook the gauge up to and what power wire did you hook the gauge up to?