Hello friends!
I make perfomance parts and turbo kits, i send parts for all world. If you have the C20GET(GM 2.0 8V engine turboed standard), i have this parts below for you put in your engine for up-grade:
External Wastegate: US$ 116
Iron cast C20NE/SEH manifold: US$ 159
Oil flange pipe for bolt in turbocharger(oil-out system): US$ 15
Oil flange nipple for bolt in turbocharger(oil-in system): US$ 15
APL240(T3 series, good for up to 300hp) Turbocharger: US$ 470
APL388(T3 series, with bigger trim, good for up to 350hp) Turbocharger: US$576
Braided pipe for wastegate: US$ 28
Downpipe with elbow flange: US$ 47
Dump-valve, nice sound and visual: US$ 56
Commom AFPR(one fuel setup, like all AFPR that you see for sell): US$ 47
Special AFPR(two fuel setups, special made for get a engine turboed using the standard management system. You can configure a perfect fuel demand before and after boost): US$ 90
Forged pistons(donīt includes rings, donīt includes pins) good for up to 600hp: US$ 461
Head steel gasket(prevent gasket failure using this special gasket!): only US$ 55
Vernier camshaft pulley: US$ 67
I have good postage cost for America. For a packet with partial turbo kit up-grade(15 to 20kg packet, very heavy), will cost only US$ 115 for arrive in door of your house in 20 days.
Any doubts that you have, write to me: c20xe@hotmail.com or mvaux@terra.com.br
Cheers and thanks for you attention,
Matheus S. Almeida
ummmmmmmmmmmmm...... what engine is he talking about??
^ my first love ^
~makin people look silly is the most important thing in life :o)
May want to post this in the second gen forum, Us guys with the turbo birds tend to hang out there. If I had some cash I'd be all over this.
<img src="http://www.geocities.com/fudd_22602/elmer-shoot.gif"> Old school Js rock
definately in wrong forum
probably some shlub who is trying to sell stuff
ummmmmmmmmmmmm...... what engine is he talking about??
Hello friend!
Sorry for donīt get clear this. Look the picture below of C20GET engine:
Matheus S. Almeida
definately in wrong forum
Really sorry for this friend.. i was post here, because i think here get good attention of friends. Sorry if its disturb...
Matheus S. Almeida
post it in the 2nd gen forum, there's maybe 10 guys on this site who have the LT3 (what us yanks call it) that's where we hang out, we'd appreciate your info
<img src="http://www.geocities.com/fudd_22602/elmer-shoot.gif"> Old school Js rock
post it in the 2nd gen forum, there's maybe 10 guys on this site who have the LT3 (what us yanks call it) that's where we hang out, we'd appreciate your info
hummm..REALLY THANKS for this information! I already posted this topic there!
Do you think that i need remove this topic from here?
Matheus S. Almeida
nah don't worry about moving it the mods can take care of it if it really bothers them
<img src="http://www.geocities.com/fudd_22602/elmer-shoot.gif"> Old school Js rock