I ordered this chip from ebay that replaces your stock ati and is supposed to give you 20 horsepower. I know what is to good to be true probally is but I was wondering how does is work and will I jack up my car if I install this thing.Please give me some idea on what to do.
with the price of gas the mod will cost about 40.00 more a week
You feel for the scam.........read more before buying any other performance parts.
<br><img src="http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/8/web/728000-728999/728095_1.jpg">
Yes officer I knew the speed limit was 50
you justblew about $20 bucks for a resistor that costs about 5 cents at Radio Shack.
and its junk, does nothing but hurt your engine
Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
It will only hurt your engine with time.
All it does is trick your computer into thinking its getting colder air, so it runs richer.
And our cars run rich anyways...
~ The Deviant One ~
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