I've did all my search'n for what hi-flow cat to get. I came up with the Magnaflow Car Sound #93035. It has the 02 boss. But, no one seams to have it, there all out of stock. Anyone have any ideas on where to get it? Ebay don't even have it. I know i can go the route of have'n the muffler shop put one in, but they charge $20 to do it. I'd like to get a plug and play joby that is 2 1/4". How bout any other brand #'s. Thanks.
I'm so flip'n confused. I was gonna go 2.5 then 2.25, now i'm thinking about go'n 2.5 again after reading that dictionary about backpressure. It just seams like if my header down pipe is 2.25 and i went to 2.5 after that, wouldn't i technically only be perfrorming at a 2.25 capability? It seams that flowmaster throws 2.25 on all their aplications for smaller engines. Ahhhh, this is confusing. I have an intake and the bolt on stuff for my engine, i plan on up'n the TB soon, any sugestions on a optimal size?
go with 2.25 unless you plan on boosting it sometime.
What kind do we have? Jegs has Dynomax 2 & 3 Way w/o air inlet. I'm not sure how many "ways" ours are.
get part number 94035
end of story.
just do it
Land Pirates sail the open roads
DISCLAIMER: If anything I say offends you, I don't care..wear a helmet. Also, the information
I post is what I know to the best of my knowledge. If I am wrong, please correct me so that
others as well as myself may learn.
Premium sinc 6-17-04