My car currently has like 7k on it, I wasthinking of changing over to synthetic at 10k... Is that too earily?
My Sunfire
no it's not too early. About 7000 miles is when it's good to change to synthetic. And yes before that it can be too early. Your engine has to break in before you go to synthetic cause if you don't the synthetic is too slick and your engine won't get the needed wear for the internals to seat right.
Yeah, I thought so... Whats a good weight to use?? I know that synthetic tends to be a bit thinner than petrolium based.
My Sunfire
use what GM recomends. 5w30
GM reccomands 5w30 for our cavs???
I put synthetic in my car my first oil change!!! Will everything be ok? I mean runs good....LOL never heard of that with sythetic...?
u can run 5w or 10w the only difference is the temperature rating at which the viscosity breaks down....
I AM the man from Nantucket
Crazy Dude wrote:GM reccomands 5w30 for our cavs???
yes they do. it even says so on the oil cap. or at least it does on mine and in the manual
Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
Im using 10w30 mobile 1 in my ecotec, does anyone think this can cause problems?
I've been using 10W30 since 17000. No problems (80,000)
i have 98 2.4, @ 60,000 miles, swithed from 5W30 to 10W30...........difference is almost unnoticeble, but yeah it runs tighter....................the best stuff to run, its a little expensive, but jbodys are cheap, so its not get this "lucas oil treatment", and add it with your regular oil everytime you change it. it is about $20 extra everytime you change your oil, but it is so worth it, your engine will feel brand new,and will feel tighter............................blksunfir
I got put synthetic in for my first oil change (3,000 miles). I'm at about 8,600 miles right now and will be making a long trip up to Boston from Pittsburgh, should I get another oil change before I go back up to school?
Everyone else: I was running Synthetic oil in my car for the first two oil changes. I got my car in September and when it was cold out I would get a knocking when I first started my car. It only lasted about 5 seconds and it wasn't very loud. I switched to a blended synthetic and haven't heard the noise since. Valvoline Durablend is what I am running.