I have a 2.2 '97 sunfire and I am getting an AEM intake and i was wondering if a bigger throttle body would be better since i will be having more airflow to the motor???
think about this...
"You can eat as much as you can @!#$"
that's the answer to your question
Cavalier '96, 2.5' catback, RSMU muffler, 1995 2.3 t/b, 1/4 mile: 15.8
that is true....but you must also remember that the stomach can only process so much...
port the head and get lumpy cams with the intake and exhaust and you will be golden.
-da chinchilla
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/jiggamon/avatar15569_2.gif">
So then what would you relate to one of those civics I see driving around with a 5" exhaust tip?
I know someone on this site will take this too litteral and stick a turbo in their a$$ next time they get really hungry so they can down more food.
i ported my stock tb and it felt like i added a few ponies on the butt dyno. especially in the upper rpms. so i figure youll get a pretty good gane if you get a bigger one altogether.
Nice One!
New Picture comming this summer.
alright thanks guys...great explaination...i am planning on getting an exhaust also.. but could i just get the 2.4 TB?? will that fit on the 2.2? and if i did happen to get a bigger TB will the throttle response be slower than with the smaller TB??
the 2.2 and 2.4 TB are both the same size, 52 mm. Go get urself one off a 95 2.3 cavie. they are 56mm
You can't use the 2.4L TB on the '97 2.2L. The TB is cast intregal with the intake plenum, they are one piece. You can get the TB bored out and have a throttle blade made, like I did, or get one thats already bored.
http://www.rsmracing.com has the TB/Plenum for $260.00+50.00 Core,they also have the ported lower intake runners for $199.00.
http://www.jbodyperformance.com has a bored and polished stock one for $198.66.
http://mantapart.com has a Special cast intake plenum w/matching 56mm TB for $495.00. There are more out there if you want to do a little more searching.
And yes, you will lose a little throttle response and a little low end torque, since you will be losing some of the intake velocity, but with the right parts to match(cam, rockers, header, exhaust, P&P head, and gearing in the tranny) you can more then make up for it.