Getting rid of Weapon-R header... - Performance Forum

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Getting rid of Weapon-R header...
Wednesday, February 16, 2005 12:58 PM
I think I've about had it with the Weapon-R header. I've had it on for about 3 months and all I've had is problems with the gaskets (like everyone else). This is my third time changing the gaskets, and that must be a record compared to some other times I've seen from other people. Apparently, the gaskets I just put on about a month ago are down to nothing and caused the header to warp. Now I got this loud annoying ticking and a possible leak. Don't get me wrong, I like the performance and sound but the header itself is not very good. I think I'm just going to go with the ceramic Pacesetter 4-1 header. All I've heard is good things about, especially for the ecotec. Installation will be 100x easier and I guess everyone says the high end gains are a lot better and well worth it. I basically have no choice or I keep changing the gaskets. Anyone else feel the same? Now I'm gonna go order the Pacesetter... Later


Re: Getting rid of Weapon-R header...
Wednesday, February 16, 2005 1:26 PM
i havent had to replace any gaskets yet. do you have stiff motor mounts? i think i heard someone say that helped. i dont think the small gain over a 4-1 was worth the pain in the a$$ installing the 4-2-1. man did that thing piss me off. although i do like seeing the little bit of chrome back there, i have been thinking aBOUT CHANGING TOO
Re: Getting rid of Weapon-R header...
Wednesday, February 16, 2005 2:00 PM
I have both the upper and lower motor mounts. I'm convinced the header still moves around...
Re: Getting rid of Weapon-R header...
Wednesday, February 16, 2005 2:49 PM
I think the solution to this is using better gaskets the ones included are rather lousy , High Rev put on the header for me and we used higher quality stuff, ive yet to have problems with it and ive had problems with every part of the exhaust system since i ran over a dead deer

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85

Re: Getting rid of Weapon-R header...
Wednesday, February 16, 2005 6:26 PM
a dead deer Matt!? sad story... The gaskets they give you were POS no doubt, but the second time I put new gaskets on I used good ones with copper rings. They did good for a little bit and then all the sudden they wore down to nothing... I know the header is warped because the flanges look stuck together and there's no gaskets left to be seen... that ticking is getting annoying but the weird thing is I don't think I'm losing any performance but then again, it might be something I can't feel. I don't know I've had it, I'd rather try out the Pacesetter anyway...
Re: Getting rid of Weapon-R header...
Wednesday, February 16, 2005 7:26 PM
A few header tips: the first thing to do is install the polyurethane motor mounts to reduce the amount the motor moves around. Secondly, use the good metal type of gaskets. It's your option if you want to install a flex coupler, not necessasary, but good insurance. After you install the header, run the engine to operating temprature, let it cool then retighten the header bolts/studs. Retighten the studs after about one to two days of normal driving, and again after about one week. You should also check them about once a month there after. Do this with what-ever brand of header you run to prevent any leaks.
What is happening is the different meteals expand and contract different amounts and at different times compressing the gasket varying amounts. This coupled with the bolts/studs stretching, engine vibrations,heat and pressure will destroy just about any gasket(yes the paper gaskets that come w/them are $h!+).
We use the copper header gaskets on our dirt oval track race carand after our initial run in we retighten the bolts after each run on our first race night the check them every week after that. We never had any gaskets leak, and we run open headers with 36" extensionsand turn downs. the only thing supporting the headers are the header bolts and a single strap bolted to the frame at the turn downs.BTW, we run the snot out of these motors!
Good luck,

Re: Getting rid of Weapon-R header...
Thursday, February 17, 2005 7:53 AM
how much would you sell your head for? thanks!
Re: Getting rid of Weapon-R header...
Thursday, February 17, 2005 10:32 AM
In cases like this, i find that either double stacking or high temp epoxy works rather well. Then again, id be saying money, cause i would be making my own gaskets. Its real easy, and if you do it right it will be a perfect match to both mating surfaces. Much less chance of leaks and faults.

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Re: Getting rid of Weapon-R header...
Thursday, February 17, 2005 3:52 PM
Where did you guys get copper gaskets to match the exactly to the ones weapon r sent because i just went to like 4 auto places and none off them carry anythign resembling the gaskets

Re: Getting rid of Weapon-R header...
Friday, February 18, 2005 10:34 AM
Blue Splash wrote:Where did you guys get copper gaskets to match the exactly to the ones weapon r sent because i just went to like 4 auto places and none off them carry anythign resembling the gaskets

if these gaskets that come witht he header are so horrible i wanna know where to get some copper gaskets too.

Re: Getting rid of Weapon-R header...
Tuesday, February 22, 2005 3:32 AM
Damn Rodimus! You drove clear to Chicago to have your header put on?

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