hey guys during our lonestar bash trip the wife and i have decided to see the ocean (its always been a dream of mine). anyways, it doesnt look to be too far from sealy texas to get there so i think it'd be a nice drive down there. thinking possibly galveston?? it looks like the most straight shot from sealy i think...
just wondering what town/city would be best to head to for a nice bite to eat right on the shore. something with some kind of eating challenge would be bad ass if you know of any. (we like man vs food and have always wanted to do something like that LOL)
anyways thanks in advance!
All I want... is a little of the good life
welp, i found a nice place right on the coast... its called the reinforest cafe. have some real good eats it looks like! not too badly priced either...
now, the wife said something about being able to take a ferry boat on the ocean.. anybody know anything about that?
All I want... is a little of the good life
Brad rainforest Cafe is good, I'm guessing its the one in Galveston. Quite a few of GM of houston members live in Galveston/close by. I believe the ferry ride she is talking about is the ride to crystal beach you'll drive down Galveston wait for the ferry to come its a 10-15 minute ride and then you'll be on crystal beach(the nicest of the Galveston beaches).
Kemah also is really nice its a big peir with a ton of eateries and rides/carnival set-up if you like seafood the aqurium is really good. Joe's crab shack has a ride out there called the Beast which is a large dast boat that the take you out into the gulf speed around splash you with water its pretty fun. Just some ideas, Galveston/Kemah are no more than an hour to an hour and half away from sealy.
is that the cafe that has all the plants and every 20 minutes a storm comes through and all the animals in the place go nuts????! i went to one in houston, that place was awsome !!!
Yea that would be it. The one in Galveston is supposed to be really nice.
yep thats where were headed. and the ferry is the galveston/boliva or something like that?
All I want... is a little of the good life