anybody got some for sale? i need these like asap if you have any for sale let me know, cant get the car runnign without em, ive been out of a car for two days now and it sucks!
you looking for cobalt ss s/c injectors? i have a set with 35k on them..perfect condition...$40 shipped good?
i have a set as well with harness about the same milage
do the lsj injectors use the stock plugs or do i have to wire in a new harness?
what car are you putting them in? and i have an lsj harness as well if you need it
theyre going in a 03 eco cav, from wat ive read they should be plug and play
I would assume so...i thought most eco hardware was the same
They plug right in. However, i had a problem with mine being shoter then the stock ones. Some people say they didnt have any problems.
According to a guy with picture you have to pull out the grey rings a bit to make them fit right.
pictures showing the setup*
Im not sure i just pulled them from my cobalt but i would imagine if you have an ecotech it would be plug and play .I was just throwing them on here incase someone needed them not trying to bump someone else selling them.
Thanks for the help guys! I just got some from ben should be going on the cav in a couple of days just got all my saab kit on, boost is awesome! Ill try and get some pics on here soon
what? you mean ben actually gave you the right parts???!?!!!
I NEED a 97-99 LD9 engine harness for an auto.PM if u hav info.!!
lol well i hope so ill know in a while when i go lpick em up from my gmas lol