Wen is it? I wanna get the weekend off to go up to san antonio to run the car hopefully with the saab setup on. On another note anyone in san anotnio got hptuners with two extra credits? Ill pay for the credits and ill only need the hptuners for a half hour at most just gotta mess with some little things on the car
it's the 21st and I might have two credits if you need them.
Sounds good I'm gonna have to see if I can get the weekend off and ill let u know bout the credits they're a hundred for two right?
Here's more info...
The 5th annual NOS Energy Drink's IMPORT FACE-OFF will be in the San Antonio area on Sunday, December 21st from 10am to 5pm at San Antonio Raceway. $6000+ in cash and trophies will be awarded to car show and race contestants. Other activities will include Hot Body contest (weather permitting), Stereo crank it up contest, burnout contest, DJs, vendors, giveaways, etc. FREE competition vouchers are given to contestants who travel from 200+ miles away (must preregister to receive free pass). For free voucher registration and series info, visit www.IMPORTFACEOFF.net
UPCOMING IMPORT FACE-OFF dates (tentative)...
November 16 - Dallas, TX - Texas Motorplex (3rd annual)
December 21 - San Antonio, TX - San Antonio Raceway (5th annual)
January 18 - Houston, TX - Houston Raceway Park (5th annual)
January 25 - Gainesville, FL - Gainesville Raceway
February 8 - Tucson, AZ - Southwestern International Raceway (2nd annual)
March 29 - Belle Rose, LA - No Problem Raceway (9th annual)
April 19 - Oklahoma City, OK - Thunder Valley Raceway (6th annual)
May 3 - Kansas City, MO - Kansas City International Raceway (6th annual)
May 31- Montgomery, AL - Montgomery Motorsports Park (7th annual)
August 30 - Columbus, OH - National Trail Raceway (4th annual)
September 6 - Kansas City, MO - Kansas City International Raceway (6th annual)
September 20 - Tulsa, OK - Tulsa Raceway Park (3nd annual)
October 25 - Baton Rouge, LA - State Capitol Raceway (5th annual)
SFWD Quick 8 $1200 presented by S.P.E.C.(FWD 4 cyl only, slicks and open exhaust OK)
Street Quick 8 $1000 presented by Forced Performance (FWD, RWD, or AWD 4/6 cyl or rotary only, DOT tires and muffler required)
All Motor Quick 4 $500 (F/R/AWD 4/6 cyl or rotary, n/a engines only, slicks OK for FWD only, open exhaust OK)
Outlaw Quick 4 $500 (any import or domestic sport compact body/engine)
Bracket 14.99 and Faster $200 (any import or domestic sport compact)
Bracket 15.00 and Slower $200 (any import or domestic sport compact)
Motorcycle Bracket $200 (any motorcycle of import origin)
*full fields required for full payout. Full = 8 cars for Quick 8 classes, 4 cars for Quick 4 classes.
Spectator $15 with flier (reg $17) ok to print flier below off computer
Test and Tune Racer $20 (open to any make/model)
Competition Racer $30 (imports/sport compacts only)
Car show entry $25
If you don't have a honda you ain't winning @!#$ the one in dallas sucked balls honda awards out numbered everytrhing 10 to 1
weve already been to this last year and so forth. they had a jbody class for us last year.

I NEED a 97-99 LD9 engine harness for an auto.PM if u hav info.!!
they had a Jbody class AND a domestic compact class.
and Eri won the 14.99 and faster bracket racing class. Cliff Wallace does the show and he has always taken care of us here. shoot last year when we were in the finals with eri's car he gave a Whole bag of ice free to help cool down her supercharger. I hope all that can go, go to this show. I know GM of SA will be there. and people over 200 miles away get free regerstration.
Yea well hopefully I can make it out I've only gone to one but it was a great time, I'd like to enter one of the bracket classes but don't really know much bout bracket racing so ill prolly just test and tune if I get the turbo on by then
Well I got the days off so ill be there unfortunately I won't have the turbo kit on but ill still be able to make some adjustments to the car since ill be borrowing bens hptuners, hope to see yall out there!
yea...i know..i was there.....stuck out in the cold with all the other guys that traveled down there for nothing
Man that sucks too bad I don't have ur number, I let all my friends that were travelling far know it was cancelled so they wouldn't have driven all that way for nothing